
  • PSG CARE offers a variety of programs to enhance the teaching-learning process. For specific training needs, please write to us at

Upcoming Programs

Tentative Date & Time Title Resource Person
19 Apr 2025
9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Faculty Development Program on Effective Teaching (offline Mode) 24th Aug 2024 to July 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only)
Participant Presentation on Teaching and Assessment method of the course designed by the participants Dr. R. Rudramoorthy,
Dr. G. Chandramohan
31 Aug 2024 to June 2025 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2022-2023) (offline Mode) (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only)
Modules Covered

Module 1 – Understanding Higher Education in India
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Module 5 – Personal, Emotional Development, Life Skills
Module 6 – Capstone Project

Programs Conducted

Date Title Resource Person
04/03/2025 Seminar on Fueling the Future: Green Hydrogen in Sustainable Transportation Dr. G. (Subbu) Subbaraman, Institute Fellow and Project Development Director, GTI Energy , USA
9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Faculty Development Program on Effective Teaching (offline Mode) 24th Aug 2024 to July 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only)
Participant Presentation,
Discussion on implementation of the one credit courses with the support of Industry experts
Dr. R. Rudramoorthy,
Dr. G. Chandramohan
21 & 22/02/2025 Two-day Faculty Development Program on Intelligent Systems And Immersive Technologies For Industry 4.0 in Association with the Department of Mechatronics, PSG Polytechnic College
9.30 am to 04.30 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only) Group -1
Interdisciplinary Research & Proposal Writing Dr. Selvakumar & Team, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
Writing Effective Research Proposal Dr. Selvakumar & Team, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
9.30 am to 04.30 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only) Group -2
Writing Effective Research Paper Dr. Krishnan Murugesan, Emeritus Professor, IIT Roorkee
Research Methodology Dr. G. Menaka, HoD, Dept., of English, PSG College of Technology
Five- day FDP on “Outcome Based Education” In Association with the Centre for Teaching and Learning Practices, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
9.30 am to 04.30 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only) Group -1
Teaching – Learning Pedagogies Dr. N. Ganeshkumar, PSG College of Technology
9.30 am to 04.30 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only) Group -2
Micro Teaching Dr. G. Menaka, HoD,
Dr. Dr. A. Sivaranjani, Dr. Prabhavathi J, Dr. R. Rudresh, Dept., of English, PSG College of Technology
02.00 pm to 05.00 pm
Long Term Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Development
(in association with Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research)
Introduction Dr. V. Kovaichelvan, Former Director – TVS Institute for Quality & Leadership at TVS Motor Company, Freelance Mentor for Youth empowerment, Competency based learning, Organization design
02.00 pm to 05.00 pm
Long Term Faculty Development Program on Academic Leadership
(in association with PSG Institute of Management)
Course Design Dr. V. Kovaichelvan, Former Director – TVS Institute for Quality & Leadership at TVS Motor Company, Freelance Mentor for Youth empowerment, Competency based learning, Organization design
20 to 24/01/2025 09.30 am to 05.00 pm
Instructional Design and Analytics for Teaching Effectively Dr. Sivakumar Krishnan, IIT Madras, Director, Vishnu Educational Development and Innovation Centre, Hyderabad
Hands on Session on Research Paper Writing Dr. Krishnan Murugesan, IIT Roorkee
Introduction to Capstone Project Mentor Team, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
9.30 am to 04.30 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only)
Micro Teaching Dr. G. Menaka, HoD,
Dr. Dr. A. Sivaranjani, Dr. Prabhavathi J, Dr. R. Rudresh, Dept., of English, PSG College of Technology
2.00 am to 04.30 pm
Faculty Development Program on Effective Teaching (offline Mode) 24th Aug 2024 to July 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only)
Participant Presentation Dr. Rudramoorthy, Dr. Chandramohan
9.30 am to 04.30 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only)
Micro Teaching Dr. G. Menaka, HoD,
Dr. Dr. A. Sivaranjani, Dr. Prabhavathi J, Dr. R. Rudresh, Dept., of English, PSG College of Technology
9.30 am to 04.30 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only) Group -4
Instructional Design for Effective Teaching Dr. Sivakumar Krishnan, IIT Madras, Director, Vishnu Educational Development and Innovation Centre, Hyderabad
Five- day FDP on “Artificial Intelligence Application and Practical Insights” In Association with Dept., of CSE, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
25 to 29/11/2024 09.00 am to 04.45 pm
Embarking on the AI Journey: A Primer on Artificial Intelligence,
Machine Learning Unveiled: A Beginner’s Roadmap
Dr Ebin Deni Raj, Prof/IIIT Kottayam
Hands on Session on AI Tools and Frameworks Dr Venkatapathy Subramanian, Anaadi Rural AI Centre, Palani
Unlocking Human Language: The Essentials of NLP,
A Journey into Text Processing and Sentiment Analysis
Dr A John Prakash, CEG, Chennai
Hands on Session: NLP
Hands on Session: Computer Vision
Mr Vivek Suresh Co-founder and CEOYlogx Private Ltd, Kochi
Essentials of Computer Vision
Navigating Object Detection and Recognition Techniques
Dr Srinivasulu Reddy, NIT, Trichy
Feature Engineering: Understanding Data’s Potential
Analytics: A Journey Towards Machine Learning Paradigms
Dr R Preeth, IIIT DM
Federated Learning – The Future of Collaborative AI
Federated Learning – Cutting edge Algorithms and Techniques
Dr Vineeth N Balasubramanian, IIT, Hyderabad
Real-World Applications of Federated Learning Dr.M Karthigha & Dr S Vaishnavi, Dept., of CSE, PSG iTech
15 & 16/11/2024 International Conference On Smart System For Integrated Computing And Communication-ICSSICC-24 In Association with Springer LNICST Book Series & PSG CARE Publication Support Cell
9.30 am to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only) Group -1
Digital Technologies for Teaching and Assessment Dr. Navaneethan, Visiting Professor, PSG College of Technology
9.30 am to 04.30 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only) Group -2
Teaching – Pedagogy for the new course, Learning – Assessment methods Dr. N. Ganeshkumar, PSG College of Technology
10.00 am to 06.00 pm
Workshop on Case Teaching as a Pedagogy
(in assocation with PSG Institute of Management)
Dr. Srinivasan.R, Professor – Strategy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
10.00 am to 12.00 Noon
Faculty Development Program on Effective Teaching (offline Mode) 24th Aug 2024 to July 2025 (1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Only)
Teaching and Assessment Methods followed – Individual Presentation Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, Director, PSG CARE
Dr. G. Chandramohan, Director Examinations, PSG Institutions
9.30 am to 04.30 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (2nd, 4th and 5th Saturdays Only)
Effective Communication Dr. G. Menaka, HoD,
Dr. A. Sivaranjani, Dept., of English, PSG College of Technology
9.30 am to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (2nd, 4th and 5th Saturdays Only)
NIRF Ranking – Comprehensive Overview

NBA – Overview

Dr. P.V. Mohanram, Secretary, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Dr. G. Chandra Mohan, Director Examinations, PSG Institutions
9.00 am to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2024-25) (offline Mode) 31st Aug 2024 to March 2025 (2nd, 4th and 5th Saturdays Only)
Highlights of PSG Institutions and Best Teaching and Research Practices
Head’s of PSG Institutions
10.00 am to 12.00 Noon
Faculty Development Program on Effective Teaching (offline Mode) 24th Aug 2024 to July 2025 (2nd, 4th and 5th Saturdays Only)
Design of the FDP – Discussion and Confirmation   Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, Director, PSG CARE
Dr. G. Chandramohan, Director Examinations, PSG Institutions
09.00am to 04.30pm 
Conference on Applied Research (CAR 2024)

G202 Seminar Hall – Session 1 Medical Sciences

G202 Seminar Hall – Session 2 Basic Sciences


G203 Seminar Hall – Session 1 Energy / Computer Applications

G203 Seminar Hall – Session 2 General

Chair / Co Chair

Dr. M. Ramanathan, PSG College of Pharmacy, Dr. J. Baskaran, PSG Publication Support Cell
Dr. K. K. Venkataraman,PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Dr. D. Johnravinder, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
Dr. Kanthalakshmi Dept., of EEE, PSG College of Technology, Dr. L.S. Jayashree,Dept., CSE, PSG College of Technology
Dr. R. Swarnalatha, Dept., of Management Sciences-Retail Management,PSG College of Arts & Science

03.00pm to 04.00pm
Lecture on Exploring Aryabhatiya: A Concise Introduction
(in assocation with Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Indian Society of Systems For Science And Engineering)
Mr. Madhusoodhanan, Assistant General manager, L&T Defence
09.00am to 05.00pm
One Day Workshop On Artificial Intelligence For Wireless Applications
(in assocation with Dept., of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PSG College of Technology)
Mr. Anand Mukhopadhyay, Senior Engineer, Mach Works, Bangalore
09.30am to 04.30pm
Orientation Program for PSG Schools Teachers Mr. Muralidhar, Training Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
Dr. V. Ganesan, Academic Advisor, Satchidananda Jothi Nikethan International School, Mettupalayam
Ms. Poornima Kumar, Mental Health Counselor at Coimbatore Cancer Foundation
09.30am to 04.30pm
Orientation Program for PSG Schools Teachers Dr. K. Sathianarayanan, Headmaster and Secretary, Mani Higher Secondary School
Mr. Krishnakumar. A, Senior Training Officer, PSG Industrial Institute
Shri N. C. Nandagopalan, Secretary, PSG Schools
09.30am to 04.30pm
Modern Tools in Effective Communication Skills and its Practices (Hybrid Mode)
(In association with the Staff Development Committee, PSG Polytechnic College)
Dr.G. Menaka, HoD,  Dept., of English, PSG College of Technology
Dr.R. Deepa, Associate Professor & Head Faculty of Human Resources, PSG Institute of Management,
Ms. K. Premavathi, Dept., of English, PSG Polytechnic College

10.00 am to 11.00 am

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Capstone Project – Mentors Meeting (Online)
Team from PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, PSG College of Technology

10.00 am to 11.00 am

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Capstone Project – Mentors Meeting (Online)
Team from PSG College of Arts & Science, PSG College of Technology, PSG Institute of Management

09.30 am to 01.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Lecture on “Literature Survey”
Dr. L. Ashokkumar, Dept., of EEE, PSG College of Technology
Every Week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Module 1: Real Analysis – Sequences and series, sequences and series of functions, functions of two variables and Topology of metric spaces.
Module 2: Linear Algebra – Vector spaces, basis, linear transformation, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, diagonalization, canonical form and quadratic forms.
Module 3: Abstract Algebra – Group theory, ring theory and field extension.
Module 4: Complex Analysis- Complex integration and differentiation.
Module 5: Ordinary Differential equations, Partial Differential equations, Numerical Methods and Descriptive Statistics.
In association with the department of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology

09.30 am to 01.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Capstone Project FIP 2023-24 – Mentor Introduction Session
Dr. Selvakumar and Team, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies

09.30 am to 01.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Introduction to Capstone Project and Ground Work
Dr. Selvakumar,PSG Institute of Advanced Studies

09.30 am to 01.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24) (Group 2)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Writing Research Proposal and Intro to Capstone Project
Dr. Ramanathan,Principal, PSG College Pharamacy
29/02 and 01/03/2024
09.00am to 04.00pm
Two Day Faculty Development Program on Integrating Additive manufacturing for Innovative Solutions In association with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG Polytechnic College

09.30 am to 01.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24 )
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 3 , 4 & 5 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education, Personal development
Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism
Dr. J. Arumugam,PSG College of Technology

09.30 am to 01.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24 )
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 3 , 4 & 5 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education, Personal development
NIRF An overview
Dr. Harish,PSG Institute of Management

09.30 am to 05.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24 )
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 3 , 4 & 5 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education, Personal development
Good to Great
Mr. Ramakrishnan Vijayan, Leadership Coach and Corporate Trainer
14, 15, 18 to 20/12/2023
08.30am to 04.00pm
Five Day Faculty Development Program on Data Analytics and Cloud Development with Industry Use Cases In association with SAP Labs India and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research

09.30 am to 05.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24 Group-1)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Product development management
Dr. K.K. Venkataraman, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
Module 3 & 4 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
Nuances of Effective Communication
Dr. R. Deepa,, PSG Institute of Management

09.30 am to 05.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24 Group-2)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
A Teacher’s Guide to OBE
Dr. T. Hamsapriya , PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
9.00am to 5.30pm
Train the Trainer (3 TP) Hands on Workshop In association with M/S. Tektronix and PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research

09.30 am to 05.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24 Group-1)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
From research dependence to research independence- Transition from research scholar to independent researcher
Dr. Anuradha M Ashok, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies

09.30 am to 05.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24 Group-2)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
Mind Mapping & Creativity
Dr. G. Chandramohan , Director Examination, PSG Institution
16/11/2023 One day workshop on Impact of AI Tools in Research
(In association with PSG Polytechnic College)
Dr.PrakashArumugam, Assitant Director-Research, Karnavati University, Gujarat

09.30 am to 05.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24 Group-1)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Path to Successful Research Grant Proposals
Dr. R. Selvakumar , PSG Institute of Advanced Studies

09.30 am to 05.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24 Group-2)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
Effective Presentation and Communication Skills
Dr. R. Deepa , PSG Institute of Management
06 Oct 2023 One day Seminar on Sustainoperneurship Strategies for Business – A New Paradigm –
(In association with Department of Commerce (Foreign Trade), PSG College of Arts & Science)
Mr.K.Thirupathi Rajan, MBA., MBL, Managing Director, Raj Exim Group of Companies & Chairman – Export Promotion Centre, Tamilnadu Chamber Foundation, Madurai
Er.G.Rajamurthy, MBA, Director, Global Institute of Foreign trade, Vice chairman, Export Promotion Centre, (A Division of Tamilnadu Chamber of Commerce), Madurai
05 Oct 2023 One day workshop on Research Methodology for Tourism & Hospitality Research-
(In association with Department of Hospitality Management, PSG College of Arts & Science)
Dr. Karthikeyan Parthasarathy, The School of Management Studies, Kongu Engineering College

09.30 am to 05.00 pm

Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2023-24)
(offline Mode) (2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays Only)
Module 5: Personal, Emotional Development, Life Skills : 
Emotional Intelligence
Dr. R. Deepa , PSG Institute of Management
20/09/2023 One day skill development program on Artificial Intelligence (AI) -Assisted Scientific Writing and Publishing Dr.K.S. Sowmiya Rani, Editor at Editage Cactus Communications and the founder of Sowmis_AWW
11/08/2023 Writing Effective Research Proposal Ms. Revathi Viswanath, Assistant Director, RP Division in-charge, ICSSR, New Delhi
05/08/2023 Sweetness of Mathematics In association with the PSG Children’s School, Peelamedu and PSG High School, Vedapatti
03/06 to 01/07/2023 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every Week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 12: Capstone Project Review and Presentation PSG Institute of Management
16/06/2023 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Insights and Trends In association with the Dept., of Biomedical, PSG College of Technology and PSG IMSR
29 & 30/05/2023 Teaching Strategies for Learner-Centric and Engaged Classrooms (for the Teachers of  PSG Schools) Dr. T Hamsapriya, Professor, Ex-PSG iTech
Mr. Samlinson E, Lead – Learning & Development, PSG College of Arts & Science
06 to 27/05/2023 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every Week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 11: Domain-Specific Application of Data Analytics
Module 12: Capstone Project Introduction
PSG Institute of Management
19 & 20/05/2023
09.00 am to 04.00 pm
Module 4: ODE & PDE, Numerical methods & Descriptive Statistics in association with the Department of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
12 & 13/05/2023
09.00 am to 04.00 pm
Module 3: Abstract Algebra & Complex Analysis in association with the Department of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
05 & 06/05/2023
09.00 am to 04.00 pm
Module -2 Linear Algebra in association with the Department of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
Faculty Orientation Program 2023 PSGIM
02/05/2023 09.00 am to 04.45 pm
Inaugural Dr. V Srividya, Director i/c, PSG Institute of Management
Academic Rigor Dr. B Uma Maheswari, PSG Institute of Management
Research – Publication Dr. R Sujatha, PSG Institute of Management
Sponsored Research Dr. R Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
Quality Assurance and Accreditations Dr. J Sekkizhar, PSG Institute of Management
Administrative Structure/Institutional Planning and Development Dr. R Rudramoorthy, Director, PSG Center for Academic Research and Excellence
28 and 29/04/2023
09.00 am to 04.00 pm
Module -1 Real Analysis in association with the Department of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
Faculty Development Program on Educational Leadership in Higher Education from 11th March to 24th April 2023 (only on Saturdays) by PSG CARE Faculty Training Center
24/04/2023 10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Affiliated /Regulatory Bodies Team from PSG College of Nursing, PSG College of Pharmacy and PSG College of Physiotherapy
Governing Council/ College Admin Functions/Guidelines Team from PSG College of Nursing, PSG College of Pharmacy and PSG College of Physiotherapy
Curriculum/ Online courses Team from PSG College of Nursing, PSG College of Pharmacy and PSG College of Physiotherapy
Vision/Mission/Mapping/Outcome Team from PSG College of Nursing, PSG College of Pharmacy and PSG College of Physiotherapy
Faculty Development Program on Educational Leadership in Higher Education from 11th March to 24th April 2023 (only on Saturdays) by PSG CARE Faculty Training Center
15/04/2023 10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Research/ Publications Dr.M.Baskaran, PSG College of Nursing
Patents/IPR/Regulatory requirements Dr.L.S Jayasree, PSG College of Technology
FDP/Training Programs- Design and Marketing Dr.S.E.Maida Engels, PSG College of Pharmacy
Conferences, fund development, Organization, Planning, Execution Dr.M.Nirmala, PSG College of Nursing
Funding Dr. M.Ramanathan, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy
Faculty Development Program on Educational Leadership in Higher Education from 11th March to 24th April 2023 (only on Saturdays) by PSG CARE Faculty Training Center
01/04/2023 10.00 am to 04.00 pm
NAAC– activities and documentation Dr. G. Syamala, PSG College of Pharmacy
IQAC- activities and documentation Dr.J. Leena, PSG College of Nursing
ISO, AISHE activities and documentation Mr.S.Karthikeyan, PSG College of Pharmacy
NIRF- activities and documentation Dr. S.M Habbibur Rahman, PSG College of Pharmacy
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Workshop on Digital Transformation, Data Fabric & Industrial Insight 2023 in association with the Department of Computer Science, PSG College of Arts & Science
Faculty Development Program on Educational Leadership in Higher Education from 11th March to 24th April 2023 (only on Saturdays) by PSG CARE Faculty Training Center
25/03/2023 10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Value-added courses for Placement (Skill development, Soft Skills) Mr.V. Saravanaa, PSG Center for Branding and Communication
Higher Education Dr. K. Umaa, PSG College of Pharmacy
Internships Dr.V. Sivakumar, PSG College of Pharmacy
Ms. J. Poornima Mary Rodriguez, PSG College of Nursing
Dr. Y. Asraf, PSG College of Physiotherapy
Alumni Interaction and feedback Dr. M. Arasu, PSG Polytechnic College
04/03 to 29/04/2023 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every Week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 10: Prescriptive Analytics PSG Institute of Management
Faculty Development Program on Educational Leadership in Higher Education from 11th March to 24th April 2023 (only on Saturdays) by PSG CARE Faculty Training Center
18/03/2023 10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Professional Ethics Dr. Sudha Ramalingam,Professor, PSG IMS &R
Students Feedback and Analysis Mrs. R. Nithya, PSG College of Pharmacy
Tutor ward meetings (Program Monitoring Committee) Dr. Meera Saravanan, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing
Academic auditing As per ISO Dr. D. Sivakumar, PSG College of Pharmacy
Faculty Development Program on Educational Leadership in Higher Education from 11th March to 24th April 2023 (only on Saturdays) by PSG CARE Faculty Training Center
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
09.30 to 10.00 am – Inauguration
How to frame a good syllabus for a Course/Program Dr. M. Ramanathan, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy
How to set a good question paper (Blooms Taxonomy) Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing
SPSS Dr.V. Yuvaraj, The Department of Statistics, PSG College of Arts and Science
Examination System Dr. R.Mahesh, Principal, PSG College of Physiotherapy
02 & 3/03/2023
09.30 pm to 04.30 pm
IFCPAR/CEFIPRA funded INDO-FRENCH RESEARCH SEMINAR on Innovation in Manufacturing and Machining of Advanced Aerospace Materials in association with the dept., of Production Engineering, PSG College of Technology
03.00 pm to 05.00 pm
Seminar on Scope for Research in Space Activities Dr. Seshagiri Roa Vellanki, Former Associate Director, Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC- ISRO, Sriharikota
04 to 25/02/2023 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 9: Deep Learning, Neural networks, Artificial Intelligence PSG Institute of Management
20 to 24/02/2023
05.00 pm to 07.00 pm
Five-Day Online Lecture Series on Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations in association with the Department of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology
09.30 am to 12.30 pm
Seminar on Dynamic Behavior of Materials in association with the Department of Production Engineering, PSG College of Technology
10.00 am to 05.00 pm
Seminar on App Suite Development towards Industry 4.0 in association with the Department of MCA, PSG College of Arts & Science
09.00 am to 05.00 pm
Data Analytics using KNIME Tool Dr. B Somasundaram, Head Digital Transformation, Elgi Equipment Ltd.
PSG CARE in association with the Department of Computer and Engineering, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
09 to 11/02/2023
09.00 am to 05.00 pm
AICTE Sponsored IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Communication, IoT and Security
in association with the Department of Information Technology, PSG College of Technology
10.00 am to 05.00 pm
National Conference on Sustainable Computing and Development (NCSCD)-2023(Online Mode) in association with the Department of Computer Science (SF), PSG College of Arts & Science
07 to 28/01/2023 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 8: Time Series Modelling PSG Institute of Management
11.00 am to 04.00 pm
Offline Curation workshop for Transportation section of GRD Museum in association with the TVS Institute for Quality & Leadership, and PSG College of Technology
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Online National Seminar on Machine Learning (ML)2023 in association with the Department of Networking and Mobile Application, PSG College of Arts & Science
18 to 24/01/023
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Online International Faculty Development Program on “Samaya Illakiya Parinamakalum Parimanakalum” in association with the Department of Tamil, PSG College of Arts & Science
10.00 am to 12.00 pm
Seminar on Future Global Energy System – Clean Energy Technologies (Hybrid Mode) in association with ISSE and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
02.00 pm to 04.00 pm
Seminar on Holistic Decarbonization of Energy(Hybrid Mode) in association with ISSE and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
10.00 am to 12.00 pm
Panel Discussion on Research Initiatives on Climate Change: Mitigation Technologies: Collaboration with UCF (Hybrid Mode) in association with ISSE and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
19 to 23/12/2022
02.30 am to 5.00 pm
FDP on Optimization Techniques and its Emerging Applications in association with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PSG College of Technology
19 to 23/12/2022
09.30 am to 03.30 pm
Five Days Online Lecture Series on Complex Analysis in association with the Department of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology
09.30 am to 04.30 pm
Teachers Empowerment Program for the PSG School Teachers Dr. P.V. Mohanram, Secretary, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Mr. E. Girish, Principal, PSG Public School
17/12/2022 to 31/12/2023 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 7: Supervised Machine Learning PSG Institute of Management
09.30 am to 04.30 pm
Teachers Empowerment Program for the PSG School Teachers Mr. Samlinson E, Lead – Learning & Development, PSG College of Arts & Science
05 to 09/12/2022
09.00 am to 04.00 pm
Virtual FDP on Multivariate Data Analysis using MS-Excel “Multivariate Data Analysis using MS-Excel & SPSS for Researchers in Commerce & Management Sciences” in association with the Department of Commerce(Professional Accounting & Business Process Services), PSG College of Arts & Science
10.00 am to 12.00 pm
Brainstorming Session on Challenges Faced by Schools and the Way Forward in association with PSG Schools
22 & 23/11/2022
10.00 am to 05.00 pm
Online FDP on Punaikathaigalin Nokkum Pokkum Aaivukalangalum in association with the Department of Tamil, PSG College of Arts & Science
22 to 26/11/2022
09.00 am to 05.00 pm
Online FDP on Learner-Centric Pedagogy for Classroom and Online Teaching in association with the Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology
21 to 25/11/2022
09.30 am to 04.00 pm
Capacity Building FDP on Creating Sustainable Innovation &Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in HEIs(Virtual Mode) in association with the CENTRE FOR INNOVATION INCUBATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP (CII&E), INSTITUTION’S INNOVATION COUNCIL, INNOPRENEUR’S CLUB& ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL, PSG College of Arts & Science
21 & 22/11/2022
09.30 am to 04.30 pm
Online International Seminar on The Convergence of IoT & Machine Learning: Transforming Data into Action in association with the Department of Computer Technology, PSG College of Arts & Science
09.30 pm to 04.30 pm
Online National Seminar on Recent trends in Tuberculosis Research in association with the Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of Arts & Science
19/11 to 03/12/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 6: Text Mining and Web Scrapping PSG Institute of Management
09.30 am to 04.30 pm
National seminar on Significance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)In Current Era (Virtual mode) in association with the Department of Biochemistry, PSG College of Arts & Science
09.30 pm to 04.30 pm
One-Day Online International Workshop on Digital Marketing in association with the Department of Commerce (Foreign Trade), PSG College of Arts & Science
09.30 am to 04.30 pm
Virtual International Conference on Gender Concerns in Language and Literature in association with the Department of English (SF), PSG College of Arts & Science
07 to 11/11/2022
09.30 am to 03.30 pm
one-week online FDP on Linear Algebra and Its Applications in association with the Department of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology
10.30 am to 03.00 pm
Online Workshop on Fundamentals of RPA Design and Development in association with the Department of Computer Application (UG), PSG College of Arts & Science
09.30 am to 03.00 pm
One-Day online National Seminar on Frontiers of Materials in association with the Department of Physics(SF), PSG College of Arts & Science
31/10 to 08/11/2022
01.00 pm to 05.00 pm
Online Research Workshop on Tools and Techniques of Data Analysis for Social Science Research in association with the Department of Commerce with Computer Applications, PSG College of Arts & Science
10.00 am to 04.30 pm
Hands-on workshop on Molecular Docking in Drug Discovery (Offline Mode) in association with the Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of Arts & Science
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Online International Seminar on Attaining the Sustainable Development Goals- Perspectives and Challenges in association with the Department of Commerce (Business Process Services) & (Business Analytics), PSG College of Arts & Science
09.30 am to 04.00 pm
Offline Workshop on Rare Tamil Songs in association with the Department of Carnatic Music, PSG College of Arts & Science
29/10 to 12/11/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 5: Unsupervised machine learning algorithms (Association rule mining, Clustering) PSG Institute of Management
09.30 am to 04.00 pm
International Seminar on Fostering Innovative Practices in Research in association with the Department of Commerce (Foreign Trade), PSG College of Arts & Science
09.00 am to 03.30 pm
National Seminar on Digital India 2030- Contemporary Issues and Challenges (Virtual Mode) in association with the Department of Commerce (SF), PSG College of Arts & Science
10.00 am to 03.00 pm
Online FDP on Research for Academic Excellence in association with the Department of Commerce (SF-A), PSG College of Arts & Science
10 to 14/10/2022
05.00 pm to 07.00 pm
Five Days Online Lecture Series on Analysis and Topology In association with the Dept., of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology
10 to 14/10/2022
10.00 am to 05.00 pm
Five Days Online FDP on Cyber Security – Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing in association with the Department of Computer Application (UG), PSG College of Arts & Science
28/09 to 21/10/2022
01.00 pm to 03.00 pm
Online FDP on Application of Advanced Statistical Techniques in Social Science Research in association with the Department of Management Science – Retail Management, PSG College of Arts & Science
18/09 to 09/10/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every week on Saturday from9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 4: Statistics for data analysis (Excel, SPSS)(Probability, Duration, Hypothesis testing) PSG Institute of Management
09.00 am to 01.00 pm
Online International Seminar on Internet of Things(IoT) and its applications-Multidisciplinary approach in association with the Department of Information Technology, PSG College of Arts & Science
23 & 24 /09/2022
08.30 am to 04.30 pm
Offline Workshop on Future Proof Power Electronic Systems: Applications in Energy Systems in association with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PSG College of Technology
23 & 24/09/2022
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
National Online FDP on Discovering Electric Vehicle through ANSYS Simulation In Association with the Dept., of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PSG College of Technology
22 to 24/09/2022
09.30 am to 04.30 pm
International Conference on Intelligent Innovations In Engineering and Technology In Association with the Dept., of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PSG College of Technology
19 to 21/09/2022
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Offline Workshop on Android Application Development In Association with the Dept., of Computer Technology, PSG College of Arts & Science
12 to 17/09/2022
02.30 pm to 08.30 pm
Online FDP on Desiya Tharamathepeetu Alavukolkalil Pearasariakalin Pangakerpai Valapaduthuthal (Enrich the Criterion-wise Contribution of Tamil Professors in NAAC) In Association with the Dept., of Tamil, PSG College of Arts & Science
12 to 16/09/2022
09.00 am to 04.00 pm
Sustainable Global Trade: Innovation, Opportunities & Challenges in association with the Department of Commerce (Foreign Trade), PSG College of Arts & Science
21/08 to 11/09/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 3: Data Visualization and Storytelling (Tableau) PSG Institute of Management
23 to 27/08/2022
05.00 pm to 07.00 pm
Five Days Online Lecture Series on Abstract Algebra in association with the Department of Mathematics, PSG College Technology
22 to 27/08/2022
09.30 am to 04.00 pm
Online FDP on Molzhieiyal Kotpadugal: Marabum Puthumaiyum (Linguistic Theories: Tradition and Novelty) In Association with the Dept., of Tamil, PSG College of Arts & Science
24/07 to 14/08/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 2: Exploratory Data Analysis PSG Institute of Management
10 to 12/08/2022
09.00 am to 04.30 pm
Hybrid mode FDP on Digital Tools for Teaching, Learning and Assessment – An Integrated Approach In Association with PSG College of Pharmacy
08 to 12/08/2022
09.00 am to 04.30 pm
Online International FDP on Integrated Approach to Wellness In Association with the Dept., of Nutrition and Dietetics, PSG College of Arts & Science
08 & 09/08/2022
09.00 am to 04.30 pm
Public Financial Management System (PFMS) Mr. Francis, Sr. Accounts Officer Training & Capacity Building, Public Financial Management System, Ministry of Finance, Govt of India, New Delhi
01 to 05/08/2022
09.00 am to 04.15 pm
Online International FDP on Critical, Radical Pedagogy and Practice Perspectives in Social Work In Association with the Dept., of Social Work, PSG College of Arts & Science
02.00 am to 04.00 pm
Decision-Making in Management Accounting Mr. K M Padmanabhan, Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant, Chennai
22 & 23/07/2022
09.30 am to 04.30 pm
National Conference on Automation, IT, and Advancement in Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICAAPS 2022) In Association with the PSG College of Pharmacy
26/06 to 17/07/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Every week on Saturday from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 1: Introduction to Data Analytics, Introduction to R and Python PSG Institute of Management
04 to 09/07/2022
09.00 to 04.00 pm
Online International FDP on Advances in Mathematics and its Applications in association with the Department of Mathematics with Computer Application, PSG College of Arts & Science
27/06 to 01/07/2022 Online Five-Day Summer School
Deep Learning for Computer Vision, Speech And NLP: Research And Application Perspective PSG Centre For Audio-Visual Speech Recognition, Department of EEE & Department of IT, PSG College of Technology
04.00 to 05.00 pm
Forests—Sources of industrial raw materials, Mitigate climate change and Enterprise development Dr.K.T. PARTHIBAN, Ph.D., DEAN (Forestry) Forest College and Research Institute Mettupalayam
06 to 10/06/2022
10.00 am to 04.30 pm
Developing 3D modeling using Creo and Creo Illustrator Mr. A. Mohan, The Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG Tech.
29/05 to 12/06/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 12: Capstone project PSG Institute of Management
27 & 28/05/2022
09.30 am to 04.30 pm
Capacity Building for Social Science Researchers Ms. Revathy Vishwanath 
Deputy Director of Research, ICSSR, Delhi
Dr. P.K Viswanathan, Professor, Amrita Business School, Amritapuri, Kerala
26 & 27/05/2022
09.30 am to 04.30 pm
SAP Training Program (offline) Mr. Jayanth, Chief Architect, SAP Academy of Engineering
Bharath Prasad, Chief Development Architect at SAP Labs India
Venkatraman L, Development Architect at SAP Labs, India
23 to 29/05/2022
09.30 am to 04.30 pm
CSIR-NET preparative program in Mathematics (online) In Association with The Dept., of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology
15 to 22/05/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 10: Prescriptive Analytics, Module 11: Domain-specific Applications of data analytics PSG Institute of Management
1.45 pm to 05.30 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2022) (offline Mode) 5th Jan to 07 May 2022 (Saturdays Only)
Module 4 & 5 – Research and Professional Development
Emotional Intelligence Dr. R. Deepa, Associate Professor & Head, Faculty of Human Resources, PSG Institute of Management
1.30 pm to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2022) (offline Mode) 5th Jan to 07 May 2022 (Saturdays Only)
Module 4 & 5 – Research and Professional Development
How to write a Research Proposal? Dr. M. Ramanathan, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy
24/04 to 08/05/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 9: Deep Learning, Neural network, Artificial Intelligence PSG Institute of Management
1.45 pm to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2022) (offline Mode) 5th Jan to 07 May 2022 (Saturdays Only)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
Effective Classroom Delivery Dr. G. Chandramohan, Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
12 to 21/04/2022
06.00 pm to 07.00 pm
Developing Industrial IoT dashboards using Thingworx and Kepware Mr. Ketan Magdum, IoT Architech & Consultant, & Mr. Chetan Suryawanshi, Senior Consultant -IOT, Parametric Technology Corporation
1.30 pm to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2022) (offline Mode) 5th Jan to 07 May 2022 (Saturdays Only)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
Positive Classroom Ambience for Teachers Dr. P. V. Mohanram, Secretary, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
20/03 to 10/04/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 8: Time series modelling (Exponential smoothing, ARIMA) PSG Institute of Management
2.00 pm to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2022) (Online Mode) 5th Jan to 07 May 2022 (Saturdays Only)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
Lesson Plan, Course Plan and session plan preparation Dr. J. Kanchana, Deputy Director, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
2.00 pm to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2022) (Offline Mode) 5th Jan to 07 May 2022 (Saturdays Only)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
Teaching and Learning – Learning styles, pedagogical principles, bloom’s taxonomy Dr. Umesh Chandrasekar, Professor, PSG Institute of Management
Outcome-based education, program outcomes, Course outcome mapping and closing the loop. Dr. Umesh Chandrasekar, Professor, PSG Institute of Management
06 to 13/03/2022
04.00 pm to 07.00 pm
UGC NET Training – Computer Science and Application in association with the Dept., of Software Systems,
PSG College of Arts & Science
07 to 11 & 14/03/2022 to 08.30 pm
Integrating Augmented Reality (Vuforia) with Industrial IoT (Thingworx) and REST API Mr. Ketan Magdum, IoT Architech & Consultant, & Mr. Chetan Suryawanshi, Senior Consultant -IOT, Parametric Technology Corporation
2.00 pm to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2022) (Online Mode) 12 Jan to 07 May 2022 (Saturdays Only)
Module 1 – Understanding Higher Education in India, Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
Higher Education in India National Education Policy (NEP) Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, Director, PSG CARE
Accreditations, NAAC, NBA Dr. Saravanan, Research Coordinator, PSG College of Technology
09.00 am to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2022) (Online Mode)
Inaugural Session
Introduction to Institutional Facilities and Scope for Collaboration Heads of all PSG Institutions
28/02/2022 National Science Day Celebration
& CIMHET 2020 and FIP 2021 Graduation Day 
(Hybrid Mode)
01.30 pm to 05.30 pm
Welcome Address Dr. R. Deepa, Associate Professor, Head, Faculty of Human Resources
The Nobel Prize: A presentation of works by scientists from India/Indian Origin A video montage of the winners and their relevance
Special Address Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, Director, PSG CARE
Keynote Address: Grand Challenges for Higher and Technical Education in India Dr. R. Natarajan, Former Director of IIT Madras and Former Chairman of AICTE
Big Idea Presentation Dr. Umesh Chandrasekar, Program Architect
Showcasing Research Proposals and Project Initiatives from CIMHET 2020
Assessing Brand Awareness and Creating Effective Strategies: A Study of the PSG Brand-
Dr. R. Swarnalatha, Assoc Prof & Head, The Department of Management Science(RM), PSG CAS
Showcasing Research Proposals and Project Initiatives from CIMHET 2020
Experimental Investigations on Electrically Assisted Incremental Sheet Metal Forming of Bio-Medical Implants
Dr. S. Elangovan, Assoc Prof, The Department of Production Engineering, PSG Tech
Showcasing Research Proposals and Project Initiatives from CIMHET 2020
Investigation of Therapeutic Benefits of Fruits of Annona Species: A Complete Study
Dr. S. E. Maida Engels, Assoc Prof, The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, PSG College of Pharmacy
Showcasing Research Proposals and Project Initiatives from FIP 2021
Antimicrobial Nanoparticle Coated Cellulosic Composite From Agro-Waste- A Textile Product for PPE
Dr. R. Boobal, Asst Prof, The Department of Bio-Technology, PSG CAS
Showcasing Research Proposals and Project Initiatives from FIP 2021
Development of a Highly Efficient Alternate Electrolyte Membrane for Fuel Cell Applications
Dr. S. Guhan, Asst Prof, The Department of Chemistry, PSG CAS
Showcasing Research Proposals and Project Initiatives from FIP 2021
Flexible Solar Cells with Integrated Energy Storage Device
Dr. S. Maruthamuthu, Assoc Prof, The Department of Physics, PSG iTech
Showcasing Research Proposals and Project Initiatives from FIP 2021
An Attempt to Enhance Revenue of Small-scale Seri culturists – Amalgamation Silkworm Litter to Vermicompost
Dr. S. Gowri Lakshmi, Asst Prof, The Department of Zoology, PSG CAS
14/02/2022 to 11.30 am
Seminar on Numerical Methods and Statistics related to Atmospheric Science in association with the Dept., of Mathematics,
PSG College of Technology
10/02/2022 to 04.00 pm
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) offline Mode in association with the Dept., of Mathematics,
PSG Polytechnic College
28 to 29/01/2022 to 03.30 pm
National workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 (offline Mode) in association with PSG-FLUKECALIBRATION CENTRE,
PSG College of Technology
24 to 28/01/2022
05.00 pm to 07.00 pm
System Based Approach To sCO2 Waste Heat Recovery Dr. Ganesan Subbaraman, Institute Fellow and director of project development at the Gas Technology Institute Woodland Hills, CA., USA,
Dr. Jayanta Kapat, Pegasus Professor and the director of the Center for Advanced Turbomachinery and Energy Research, University of Central Florida,
Dr. Ladislav Vesely, University of Central Florida, Center for Advanced Turbomachinery and Energy Research (CATER),
Dr. Dereje Amogne, Vacuum Process Engineering Sacramento, CA
08/01/2022 to 11.30 am
Numerical Methods and Statistics related to Atmospheric Science in association with the Dept., of Mathematics,
PSG College of Technology
03 to 07/01/2022
09.00 am to 04.00 pm
Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security in association with the Dept., of Networking and Mobile Application,
PSG College of Arts & Science
20 to 22/12/2021
09.00 am to 12.30 pm
Academic Research Writing Dr. Kalpana, Dept of English, PSG College of Technology
03.00 pm to 04.00 pm
Lime to Cement – How is it Made Mr. N. Sivakumar, Head – Process Design & R&D, FL Smidh, Chennai
06 to 11/12/2021
09.00 am to 03.00 pm
Tools and Techniques in Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks in association with the Dept., of Computer Applications,
PSG College of Arts & Science
06 to 11/12/2021
09.00 am to 04.00 pm
A Confluence Changes and Incentives: Language, Literature and Research in association with the Dept., of English,
PSG College of Arts & Science
30/11 to 04/12/2021
09.00 am to 04.00 pm
Machine Learning and Deep Learning in association with the Dept., Computer Science with Data Analytics,
PSG College of Arts & Science
29/11 to 04/12/2021
05.00 pm to 07.00 pm
The Value of Analytics and Security in Healthcare in association with the Dept., of Information Technology, and Computer Science & Engineering
PSG College of Technology
22/11 to 09/12/2021
05.00 pm to 07.00 pm
Design Approaches for Modern Electric Motors in association with the Dept., of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
PSG College of Technology
15 to 20/11/2021
09.30 am to 12.30 pm
Application of Tools and Techniques in Advance Research Methodology – From Confusion to Confidence in association with the Dept., of International Business,
PSG College of Arts & Science
15 to 20/11/2021
09.30 am to 12.30 pm
Application of Tools and Techniques in Advance Research Methodology – From Confusion to Confidence in association with the Dept., of International Business,
PSG College of Arts & Science
15 to 20/11/2021 Online FDP on Virtual reality & Augmented Reality Technologies and Applications in association with the Dept., of Computer Application and the Dept., of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PSG College of Technology
09.30 am to 12.30 pm
Ms office (for Non-Teaching Staff) Mr. S.S Manikandan, PSG Institute of Management
08 to 13/11/2021
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Towards Professional Excellence  in association with the Dept., of  Commerce with Cost & Management Accounting,
PSG College of Arts & Science
28/11/2021 to 13/03/2022 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 7: Supervised machine learning (PCA, Linear regression, Logistic regression, Decision tree, Random forest, KNN, Naïve Bayes, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Support vector machine, Ensemble Methods) PSG Institute of Management
31/10 to 21/11/2021 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 6: Text mining and Web scrapping PSG Institute of Management
09.30 am to 12.30 pm
Techniques for Effective Teaching and Classroom Management (School Teachers) Mr. Sam Linson, PSG Institute of Management
25 to 30/10/2021
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Securities Market: Lecture & Hands-on Training  in association with the Dept., of Commerce (Foreign Trade),
PSG College of Arts & Science
25 to 29/10/2021
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Cyber Security & Cyber Forensics  in association with the Dept., of Computer Technology,
PSG College of Arts & Science
23/10 to 04/12/2021
10.00 am to 12.00 noon &
02.00 pm to 04.00 pm
Development of Entrepreneurship Among Students  in association with the Dept., of BBA Logistics & PGDBM,
PSG College of Arts & Science
21 to 26/10/2021
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Application of Omics Technologies in Life Science Research  in association with the Dept.,of Biotechnology,
PSG College of Arts & Science
18/10 to 02/12/2021
04.30 pm to 06.30 pm
Research Methodology and Research Publication in association with Dept., of Commerce (Business Analytics)
PSG College of Arts & Science
18 to 24/10/2021
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Obtaining Research Fund – Opportunities and Methods in Tamil Studies  in association with the Dept., of Tamil,
PSG College of Arts & Science
09/10 to 20/11/2021
(9, 23, 30 Oct,      13  and 20 Nov)
Mathematical Foundations of Data Science 
(in association with the Dept., of CSE, PSG iTech)
08.30 am to 12.45 pm & 01.45pm to 5.45 pm
The Foundations of Data Analysis,
Using MS-Excel for Data Analytics
Dr. L S Ganesh, Former Professor, 
Dr. S Seshasayee, Guest Faculty,
IIT, Madras
Overview of Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate Data Analysis Methods
Using Statistical Analysis Software Packages and Tools
Dr. L S Ganesh, Former Professor,
Mr. Ashwin J. Baliga,
IIT, Madras
Data Products
Data Products – Hands-on in MS-Excel
Mr. Karthik Ramasubramanian, Senior Product Manager – Data Science, Club Mahendra, Mumba
Mathematical Foundations for Data Science

Python for Data Science with hands-on

Dr. M Senthil Kumar, Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences,
PSG College of Technology
Ms. K Lakshmi Kalpana Roy, Assistant Professor
Ms. V Vilasini, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Regression in Machine Learning

Dimensionality Reduction for Data Science Applications

Dr. B Malar, Associate Professor,
Dr. R Latha, Assistant Professor,
Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences, PSG College of Technology
09.30 am to 12.30 pm
Flipped Classroom and Peer Teaching Dr. Deepa, PSG Institute of Management

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
CS05 – DIGITAL FORENSICS Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohan, Research Associate, TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore.
CS06 – CYBER FORENSICS LABORATORY Ms. N. Ravitha Rajalakshmi, Dept. of IT, PSG CT
04 to 09/10/2021 Creation of E-Content for Professional Sustainability 
(in association with the Department of Commerce -SF (Day), PSG CAS)
10.00 am to 04.00 pm
Overview of Scalable E-Content Development with Multimode Evaluation Pattern Dr. G. Naveen Babu, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering (SE) Shiv Nadar University Greater Noida,
ICT Tools for Blended Learning Dr. Vimal Jerald, Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science St. Joseph’s College, Trichy
Making Effective PPT with Animation & Screen Capture Dr. Syed Wajeed, Associate Professor & Former Head, Department of Microbiology, Director – IQAC St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru
Demonstration on Nearpod, Slido & Classroom Screen Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science St. Joseph’s College, Trichy
Artificial Intelligence in Education Dr. K. Thiyagu, Assistant Professor Department of Education Central University of Kerala Tejaswini Hills, Periye Post, Kasaragod, Kerala,
Digital Learning Dr. S. Senthilnathan, Director In-Charge, UGC – Human Resource Development Centre & Professor, Department of Education Technology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli
Engaging Learners with E-Content Dr. M.K. Naseerali, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University Centre, Malappuram
Integration of ICT Tools for Pedagogical Teaching-Learning Process Dr. T.Augustine Arul Prasad, IQAC Co-Coordinator, Assistant Professor of Chemistry D.G.Vaishnav College
Open Educational Resources Dr.R.Srikanth, Professor Dept of Management Studies Rajalakshmi Engineering College Chennai
Educational Video Creation Dr. M. Parthasarathy, Assistant Professor Department of Educational Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
04 to 08/10/2021 Research Scopes in Data Science, Analytics and Visualization  
(in association with the Department of Computer Science, PSG CAS)
01.00 pm to 04.00 pm
Network Analytics (Data Analytics for Graph Datasets) Dr. Yayati Gupta, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahindra University, Hyderabad.
Data Analysis Dr. R. Parvathi, Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vandalur – Kelambakkam Road, Chennai
KNIME Dr. R Maheswari, Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vandalur – Kelambakkam Road Chennai.
Predictive Data Modelling using Machine Learning Dr. Sanatan Sukhija, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Mahindra University, Hyderabad.
Fair link prediction methods in complex networks Dr. Akrati Saxena, Research Fellow, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Centrality Measures and tools to Analyze Networks Dr. Rishi Ranjan Singh, Assistant Professor, Depart., of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh
3 to 24/10/2021 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 5: Unsupervised machine learning algorithms (Association rule mining, Clustering) PSG Institute of Management
5 to 26/09/021 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 4: Statistics for data analysis (Probability, Probability Distribution, Hypothesis testing) PSG Institute of Management
09.30 am to 12.30 pm
Activity-Based Learning (ABL) Dr. N. Vivek, PSG Institute of Management

9.00 am to 12.00 noon

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
DS05 – DEEP LEARNING Dr. S. Lovelyn Rose, Dept. of CSE, PSG CT
Ms. R Thirumahal, Dept. of CSE, PSG CT
20 to 25/09/2021
(9.45 am to 5.30 pm)
Teaching Pedagogy – Tools and Techniques Department of Food Processing Technology, PSG College of Arts & Science
(3.30 pm to 5.30 pm)
Effective use of Multimedia for online teaching (Review Session)
(Venue : PSG College of Nursing campus)
Department of Visual Communication, PSG College of Arts & Science
06 to 10/09/2021
10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Computer Architecture Dr. John Jose, IIT, Guwahati

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
CS04 – BLOCKCHAIN Mr. Dayal Mukati, Blockchain Consultant & Architect, HCL Technologies, Bengaluru
DS05 – DEEP LEARNING Dr. S. Lovelyn Rose, Dept. of CSE, PSG CT
04.30 pm to 05.30 pm
BIM-360-Introduction and Application for Infrastructure Mr. Balasubramaniyan Ragunathan, BIM Manager, Project lead, TATA CONSULTING ENGINEERS
09.30 pm to 12.30 pm
Writing Research Proposals Dr. Ramanathan, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy
06 to 11/09/2021
10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Building Deep Learning Models using Python Dept of Computer Application & Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG College of Technology
9.30.00 am to 12.30 pm
Statistical Tools for Research Dr.J. Sekkizhar, PSG Institute of Management
08 to 29/08/2021 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 3: Data Visualization and storytelling PSG Institute of Management

09.00 am to 12.00 pm


1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
CS05 – DIGITAL FORENSICS Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohan, Research Associate, TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore.
CS05 – DIGITAL FORENSICS Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohan, Research Associate, TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore.

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
DS05 – DEEP LEARNING Dr. S. Lovelyn Rose, Dept. of CSE, PSG CT
Ms. R Thirumahal, Dept. of CSE, PSG CT
9.00 am to 4.30 pm
Effective Communication Dr. G Meenaka, Hod i/c
Dr. J Prabhavathi, Dept., of English, PSG College of Technology
10.00 am to 12.30 pm
CIMHET 2020– Advanced use of Excel Mr. L. Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
11/07 to 01/08/2021 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 2: Exploratory data analysis PSG Institute of Management
05.00 to 6.00 pm
Online Teaching – Technology and Assessments Prof. Florence Martin, Professor in Learning, Design and Technology, Program Director of the Post-Master’s Certificate of University and College Teaching and Program Coordinator of the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, Learning, Design and Technology concentration at University of North Carolina Charlotte

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
CS04 – BLOCKCHAIN Mr. Dayal Mukati, Blockchain Consultant & Architect, HCL Technologies, Bengaluru
DS04 – BIG DATA & ANALYTICS Dr. G Sudha Sadasivam, Professor & HoD,
Ms. R Thirumahal, Dept. of CSE, PSG CT
11/07 to 01/08/2021 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 2: Exploratory data analysis PSG Institute of Management
02.00 to 04.30 pm
Numerical Methods and Statistics related to Atmospheric Science Dr. R. Suresh, Head, Regional Meteorological Center, Chairman, Indian Meteorological Society,(Retired) Dy. Director-General of Meteorology, Center for Aviation Meteorology Division, IMD.

09.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
CS06 – CYBER FORENSICS LABORATORY Ms. N. Ravitha Rajalakshmi, Dept. of IT, PSG CT
CS06 – CYBER FORENSICS LABORATORY Ms. N. Ravitha Rajalakshmi, Dept. of IT, PSG CT
11.00 am to 12.30 pm
CIMHET 2020 – Negotiation Skills Dr. Krishnaveni Damodaran, PSG Institute of Management
02.00 to 04.30 pm
Numerical Methods and Statistics related to Atmospheric Science Dr. R. Suresh, Head, Regional Meteorological Center, Chairman, Indian Meteorological Society,(Retired) Dy. Director-General of Meteorology, Center for Aviation Meteorology Division, IMD.
19/07 to 20/08/2021 Extended Reality-Training Program on
Augmented Reality (AR) Development for Smart Connected Product Life Cycle (for PSG Tech faculty)
M/S. Maxbyte Technologies Private Limited
17/07/2021 CIMHET 2020 – Institution Building: Beyond Brick & Mortar Dr.  Kovaichelvan, Director, TVS Institute for Quality & Leadership, TVS Motor Company, Bangalore

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
Ms. R Thirumahal, Dept. of CSE, PSG CT
DS04 – BIG DATA & ANALYTICS Dr. G Sudha Sadasivam, Professor & HoD,
Ms. R Thirumahal, Dept. of CSE, PSG CT
13/06 to 04 /07/ 2021 Executive Program in Data Analytics (Virtual Mode)
Sundays 9.00 am to 01.00 pm
Module 1: Introduction to Data Analytics, Introduction to R and Python PSG Institute of Management

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
CS04 – BLOCKCHAIN Mr. Dayal Mukati, Blockchain Consultant & Architect, HCL Technologies, Bengaluru
DS04 – BIG DATA & ANALYTICS Dr. G Sudha Sadasivam, Professor & HoD,
Ms. R Thirumahal, Dept. of CSE, PSG CT
02.00 to 04.30 pm
Numerical Methods and Statistics related to Atmospheric Science Dr. R. Suresh, Head, Regional Meteorological Center, Chairman, Indian Meteorological Society,(Retired) Dy. Director-General of Meteorology, Center for Aviation Meteorology Division, IMD.
24 to 28/05/2021 Effective use of Multimedia for online teaching
(10.00 am to 12.00 noon)
24/05/2021 Introduction to Graphic Design & Application
Basics of Designing
Dr. Jayaseelan R, Dept., of Visual Communication & Electronic Media, PSG College of Arts & Science.
25/05/2021 Graphic Design Application & UI Dr. Jayaseelan R, Dept., of Visual Communication & Electronic Media, PSG College of Arts & Science.
26/05/2021 Soft copy Invitation
Basics of Video
Mr. S Saravana Siva Vignesh, Dept., of Visual Communication & Electronic Media, PSG College of Arts & Science.
27/05/2021 A/V – Editing
Compression – Conversion
Mr. S Saravana Siva Vignesh, Dept., of Visual Communication & Electronic Media, PSG College of Arts & Science.
28/05/2021 Weblink / URL Creation
YouTube Live Streaming and Recording
File Compressor – Documents
Compression of Geotagged Photos
Mr. C Senthil Kumar, Dept., of Visual Communication & Electronic Media, PSG College of Arts & Science.

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
CS01 – Mathematical Foundation For Cyber Security Dr. D. Kiruthika, Dept. of Mathematics PSG CT.
DS01 – DATA MINING Dr. N. Arulanand, Professor & Associate HoD,
Dr. D. Indumathi, Dept. of CSE, PSG CT

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
CS02 -Malware Analysis And Reverse Engineering Mr. S. Shiek Mohamed, Manager in Cyber Security Services, Ernst & Young, Chennai
CS03 – Vulnerability Assessment And Penetration Testing Laboratory Ms. R. Padmashani,
Ms. R. Anusuya,

Dept., of Computer Science & Engineering, PSG College of Technology
18 to 22/05/2021
10.00 am to 12.00 Noon
Excel Essentials (for PSG College of Nursing Faculty Members) Mr. S.S Manikandan, PSG Institute of Management
4 to 22/05/2021 Systems Approach to Pump Design and Manufacturing
(05.00 pm to 06.00 pm)
4/05/2021 Selection and design of the centrifugal pump Dr. T. Prabu and Dr. P. Viswanathan, Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
06/05/2021 Design validation of the centrifugal pump Dr. T. Prabu and Dr. P. Viswanathan, Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
08/05/2021 Structural design of the centrifugal pump Mr. B. Martin Suresh Babu and Dr. V. Prabhu Raja, Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
11/05/2021 Tolerance Stackup and GD&T Mr. C. Shanmugam and Mr. M. Kalayarasan, Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
13/052021 Process planning for centrifugal pump Dr.  P. Viswanathan, Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
15/05/2021 Manufacturing system design for pump Dr. R. Jayachitra, Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
18/05/2021 Quality assurance strategies Dr. V. Jaiganesh, Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
20/05/2021 Lean concepts for pump assembly Dr. D. Rajenthirakumar, Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
22/05/2021 Sensors and IoT Dr. S. Udhayakumar and Dr. N. Ganesh Kumar, Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
DS02 – Statistical Machine Learning And Visualization Dr. Marx R, Dept., of CSE PSG College of Technology.
DS03 – Data Science LAB Dr. K.G. Saranya,
Mrs. J. Bineesha,

Dept., of Computer Science & Engineering, PSG College of Technology
08 /05/2021
2.00 pm to 05.00 pm
Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2021) (Virtual Mode)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Education
Communication and Presentation Skills Dr. R. Kalpana, Dept., of English, PSG College of Technology
15/04 to 5/05/2021
02.00 pm to 04.30 pm
Android App Development (for PSG CAS faculty) Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Department of Computer Applications, PSG College of Technology
04.30 pm to 06.30 pm
Introduction to OpenFOAM and CFD Prof. Janani Sree Muralidharan, Co-PI, FOSSEE Project, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay
26 to 29 /04/2021
09.30 pm to 05.00 pm
CSIR – Net preparative Program in Mathematics Dr. V Raja and Mr. K Saravanan, Department of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology
24 Apr 2021
02.00 pm to 05.00 pm
Interdisciplinary Research among PSG Institutions Dr. Ramanathan, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy
24 Apr2021 2.00 pm to 05.00 pm Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2021) (Virtual Mode)
Module 5 – Personal, Emotional Development, Life Skills
Emotional Intelligence Dr. R. Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
12 to 21st Apr 2021
05.00 to 08.30 pm
Internet of Things for Beginners Mr. Ketan Magdum, Customer Success IoT Architect, PTC and
Dr. Ganeshkumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
10 Apr 2021 2.00 pm to 04.00 pm Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2021) (Virtual Mode)
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Writing Research Papers Dr. Chakravarthy Balaji, IIT Madras
10 Apr2021

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
CS02 – Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering Mr. S. Sheik Mohamed, Manager in Cyber Security Services, Ernst & Young, Chennai
CS03 – Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Laboratory Ms. R. Padmashani,
Ms. R. Anusuya,

Dept., of Computer Science & Engineering, PSG College of Technology

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
DS02 – Statistical Machine Learning and Visualization Dr. Marx R, Dept., of Computer Science & Engineering, PSG College of Technology
DS03 – DATA SCIENCE LAB Dr. K.G. Saranya,
Mrs. J. Bineesha,

Dept., of Computer Science & Engineering, PSG College of Technology
02.00 to 03.30 pm
Numerical Methods and Statistics related to Atmospheric Science Dr. R. Suresh, Head, Regional Meteorological Center, Chairman, Indian Meteorological Society,(Retired) Dy. Director-General of Meteorology, Center for Aviation Meteorology Division, IMD.
11.00 am to 01.00 pm
CIMHET 2020– Advanced use of Excel Mr. L. Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
02.00 to 03.30 pm
Numerical Methods and Statistics related to Atmospheric Science Dr. R. Suresh, Head, Regional Meteorological Center, Chairman, Indian Meteorological Society,(Retired) Dy. Director-General of Meteorology, Center for Aviation Meteorology Division, IMD.
13/03/2021 2.00 pm to 04.30 pm Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2021) (Virtual Mode)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Outcome-based education, Program outcomes, Course outcomes, mapping and closing the loop
Lesson Plan, Course Plan and session plan preparation
Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
DS01 – Data Mining Dr. N. Arulanand, Prof & Associate HoD,
Dr. Indhumathi, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, PSG College of Technology
CS01 – Mathematical Foundations for Cyber Security Dr. D. Kiruthika,
Dept., of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology
02.00 to 03.30 pm
Numerical Methods and Statistics related to Atmospheric Science Dr. R. Suresh, Head, Regional Meteorological Center, Chairman, Indian Meteorological Society,(Retired) Dy. Director-General of Meteorology, Center for Aviation Meteorology Division, IMD.

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

1.30 pm to 05.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
DS02 – Statistical Machine Learning and Visualization Dr. Marx R, Dept., of Computer Science & Engineering, PSG College of Technology
DS03 – DATA SCIENCE LAB Dr. K.G. Saranya,
Mrs. J. Bineesha,

Dept., of Computer Science & Engineering, PSG College of Technology
27/02/2021 2.00 pm to 04.30 pm Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2021) (Virtual Mode)
Module 1 – Understanding Higher Education in India
University Structure, ACT, Status and ordinances, Institutional planning and development Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, Director, PSG Center for Academic Research and Excellence
Accreditations (NAAC, NBA) Dr. S.Saravanan, Research Coordinator, PSG College of Technology
11.00 am to 01.00 pm
CIMHET 2020 – Negotiation Skills Dr. Krishnaveni Damodaran, PSG Institute of Management

9.00 am to 12.00 pm

Cyber Security & Data Science (CS&DS 2021) (Virtual Mode)
MALWARE ANALYSIS AND REVERSE ENGINEERING Mr. S. Shiek Mohamed, Manager, Cyber Security Services, Ernst & Young, Chennai
Ms. R. Anusuya, Department of Information Technology, PSG College of Technology
13/02/2021 9.00 am to 01.00 pm Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2021) (Virtual Mode)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Teaching with Technology- Tips and Tricks for Effective Online Teaching Mr. Muralidharan, Trg Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
12/02/2021 6.30 to 7.30 pm Webinar on Establishing Industry Collaboration and building Research Capability Dr. Guru Subramanyam, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Dayton
4/01/2021 to 16/02/2021  Energy Audit M. Karthik Karuppu, Energy Consultant, NVICO; BEE Certified EA,
CII IGBC AP, SCGJ Solar Assessor
17/10/2020 to 30/01/2021 (all Saturdays) Systems Engineering Rear Admiral V Mohan Doss, VSM, Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Air Materiel) New Delhi.
Dr. Prof. Captain (Indian Navy). M Ramasubramanian, Chief Administrative Officer, IIM Kashipur Commodore Yogesh C Pandey, Principal Director of Air Logistics, Naval Headquarters, New Delhi.
Commander M Chaturvedi, Commander (Aircraft Systems Engineering) Integrated Headquarters of Ministery of Defence (Navy)
29 & 30/01/2021 Faculty Induction Program 2021 Inaugural Sessions (virtual Mode) HoI’s of PSG Institutions
23/01/2021 CIMHET 2020 – Leveraging Social Media for Branding and Content Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management
23/01/2021 Numerical Methods and Statistics related to Atmospheric Science Dr. R. Suresh, Head, Regional Meteorological Center, Chairman, Indian Meteorological Society,(Retired) Dy. Director-General of Meteorology, Center for Aviation Meteorology Division, IMD.
23/01/2021 Industry 4.0 for Beginners Dr. Ganeshkumar Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
09/01/2021 System Engineering: Rocket Propulsion Prof. K. Ramamurthy, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
19/12/2020 CIMHET 2020 – Human Capital Management Prof. Kamalanabhan, Dept of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
25/11/2020 Journey of a Teacher to Entrepreneur Dr. Guru Subramanyam, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Dayton
21/11/2020 CIMHET 2020 – Human Capital Management Prof. Kamalanabhan, Dept of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
20 & 21/12/2020 International Conference on ” T-Shaping Higher Education
Welcome Address

About the Conference

Presidential Address

Dr. T.G. Vijaya, Director i/c, PSG Institute of Management
Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, Director, PSG CARE
Shri L. Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG Institutions
Keynote Address Mr. Suresh Mhatre, Former VP, TCS, Member of Academic Advisory Committee NBA
Panel Discussion on “National Education Policy – Boon or Bane” Moderator – Dr. Latha Palli, Advisor NAAC, Former Pro VC, IGNOU
Panelists Dr. Thangam Meganathan, Chairperson, Rajalakshmi Group of Institutions
Dr. S. Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
Mr. A.R. Swami, Co-Founder and CEO, CAMU Digital Campus
Paper Presentation
Predictive Modeling on Educational Data to Analyze Students Performance
Sridevi. U.K, Asst Prof(Sl.G) / Applied Maths & Computational Sciences, PSG College of Technology
Perception of Students on Evaluation and Assessment in Higher Education Dr. Bhuvaneshwari D, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, PSG College of Technology
Student-Centric Jigsaw Strategy For Expert Learning Mr. M.Nithyananth, Assistant Professor &
Ms. Sruthi Vinod Assistant Professor, PSG College of Pharmacy
Keynote Address Professor. M. P. Poonia, Vice Chairman, AICTE
Panel Discussion
Outcome-Based Education: The Changing Paradigm
Dr. Sridhar Sundaram, Dean, Kate Tiedemann School of Business and Finance, Muma College of Business, University of South Florida
Panelist Dr. Sangeeth Ibrahim, Vice President- Head of Learning and Development at First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), UAE
Mr. Surya Prakash Mohapatra, Global Head- Talent Transformation & Global Practice Head- Learning Services, Wipro Digital Operations and Platforms
Dr. Edamana Prasad, Core Member, Teaching Learning Center, IIT Madras, Professor Of Chemistry, IIT Madras
Paper Presentation
Using Activity-Based Learning :
Sridevi. J, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Technology
Design Thinking As An Innovative Teaching Method For Media And Communication Courses Dr. Suresh Kumar G, Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Communication, PSG College of Arts & Science
Effect of Activity Based Learning techniques used in Fashion Technology Mrs. L. Suvitha, Assistant Professor, Department of Fashion Technology, PSG College of Technology &
Mrs.M.Nandhini, Lecturer, Department of Apparel Technology, PSG Polytechnic College
Keynote Address Dr. Sheela Ramachandran, Pro-Chancellor, Atmiya University, Rajkot
Panel Discussion on “Addressing the Gen Z and Alpha needs in Education: A rethink needed?” Moderator – Dr. Sheela Ramachandran, Pro-Chancellor, Atmiya University, Rajkot
Panelists Mr. R. Varadarajan, Whole Time Director, Rajshree Sugars & Chemicals Ltd
Mr. Arup Majumdar, CEO, Trariti Consulting
Mr. Kartic Vaidyanathan, Founder, Lets Play to Learn
Paper Presentation
A Study On The Comparison Of Teaching-Learning And Performance Evaluation Methods Applied To Engineering Students
Ms.Siddhi Sreemahadevan, Asst Prof, Department of Bio-Technology, PSG College of Technology & Ms.Vidya G, Department of CSE, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Student Centric Teaching-Learning Methods In Multidisciplinary Science Dr. K. Sapna, Assistant Professor, Department of Env., Science, PSG College of Arts & Science
Impact Of Computer Assisted Intelligent Tutoring System In Classroom Education Mahalakshmi J, Assistant Professor,
Mohanapriya D Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PSG College of Arts & Science
Impact Of Flipped Classroom Over Traditional Teaching Methodology Among Undergraduate And Postgraduate Biochemistry Students Ms. S. Sathya, Assistant Professor,
Dr. K. Lavanya, Assistant Professor Department of Biochemistry, and
Dr. S Balraj, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, PSG College of Arts & Science
Panel Discussion
Reskilling Higher Education for the next decade
ModeratorProfessor George Lodorfos, Dean, Leads Business School, Leeds Beckett University
Panelist Dr. Anastasia Konstantopoulou, Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching, Edge Hill University
Mr. Raghav Krishnan, Director, Live connections, India and Singapore
Mr.Vishnu B. G, Site Lead and Senior Lead Research, DRAUP
Event Summary Professor Umesh Chandrasekar, Conference Architect
09 to 11/11/2020 Research in Atmospheric Science and Climate Change with Indian Meteorological Society” and “Satellite Meteorology and Remote Sensing Dr. R. Suresh, Head, Regional Meteorological Center, Chairman, Indian Meteorological Society,(Retired) Dy. Director-General of Meteorology, Center for Aviation Meteorology Division, IMD.
07/11/2020 CIMHET 2020 – Financial Management Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management
07/11/2020 Tools and Techniques for Gamified and Interactive Online Teaching- part 2 Kartic Vaidyanathan, Founder, Lets Play to Learn
07/11/020 Google Tools for Effective Online Teaching Part – 3 Mr. Muralidharan, Trg Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
31/10/2020 Tools and Techniques for Gamified and Interactive Online Teaching – Part 1 Kartic Vaidyanathan, Founder, Lets Play to Learn
31/10/2020 Google Tools for Effective Online Teaching Part -2 Mr. Muralidharan, Trg Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
24/10/2020 Google Tools for Effective Online Teaching Part -1 Mr. Muralidharan, Trg Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
21/10/2020 Online Moodle Administration Training – Session 2 (PSG CAS Faculty) Mr. M.S.Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
14/10/2020 Online Moodle Administration Training – Session 1 (PSG CAS Faculty) Mr. M.S.Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
05-16/10/2020 Online FDP on ” Waste Managemen and Sustainable Development “
Zero Liquid Discharge for effective Management of Textile Waste Water Mr. K. Ramesh, Senior Manager, Process Engineering R & D, Tamilnadu Water Investment Company Limited, Tirupur
Waste to Energy Methodologies Dr. Madhu Ganesh, Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
Biomedical Waste Management – 2016 & Amendments Dr. J. Jayalakshmi, Professor & HOD, Department of Microbiology KMCH Institute of Health Sciences & Research, Coimbatore
Insight of e-Waste Management Dr. M. Sundaram, Associate Professor, Department of Robotics & Automation Engineering, PSG College of Technology
Overview of Institutional Waste Management Process Dr. S. Babu, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology
Potential use of Agriculture residues to Market and Sustainability Dr. S. Jayanthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology
Sustainability in Construction Materials Dr. D. Suji, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, PSG College of Technology
Feasibility of Plant-microbe synergistic Systems for Textile Industry Wastewater Treatment Dr. J. Hema, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology
Waste Management and Circular Economy Dr. N. Vivek, Professor PSG Institute of Management
Prospects of Circular Economy in the aspects of graceful aging, product attachment and Lifecycle Management for lowering carbon footprints Dr. B. Keerthika, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics PSG College of Technology
1 to 20/10/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Deep Learning” Dr. Lovelyn Rose, Dept., of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
26/09/2020 CIMHET 2020 – Financial Management Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management
21 to 25/09/2020 5 Day Workshop on ” Effective Teaching Techniques for Online Teaching” For PSG School Teachers
Effective Communication Shri N.C. Nandagopalan, Secretary, PSG Schools
Effective Online Teaching Ms. Gayathri, Principal, PSG Children’s School
Emotional Intelligence – Work-life Balance Dr. R.Deepa, Associate Professor & Head, Faculty of Human Resources, PSG Institute of Management
Online Class – Best Practice Mr. Girish, Principal, PSG Public School,
Online Teaching and Assessments Dr. G. Chandramohan, Vice Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Online Lab Classes Dr. P.V. Mohanram, Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, and Mr. Muralidharan, Trg Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
Instructional Design for e-class Mr. Venkateswaran B, Coordinator, Mr. C. Senthilkumar, Instructor and Mr. S. Saravana Siva Vignesh, Asst Prof, Department of Viscom, PSG College of Arts & Science
19/09/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Big Data Analytics- Assignment on MongoDB” Ms. R Thirumahal, PSG College of Technology
19/09/2020 Online Session on“Role of Glasses in Energy and Technology”   Dr. K. Ramesh, Principal Research Scientist, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science
19/09/2020 CIMHET 2020 – Financial Management Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management
19/09/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Big Data Analytics – Assignment on Hadoop Dr. G Sudha Sadasivam, HoD, Dept., of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
13/09/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Big Data Analytics – Hadoop Usecase discussion and Assignment Discussion Dr. G Sudha Sadasivam, HoD, Dept., of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
12/09/2020 Online Session on“Energy Auditing” Mr. M Karthik Karuppu, BEE Certified Energy Auditor, CII IGBC AP, NSDC Solar Assessor MSME EV Charging Infrastructure and Technology, Chennai
12/09/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Big Data Analytics- MongoDB Usecase discussion and Assignment Discussion” Ms. R Thirumahal, PSG College of Technology
12/09/2020 CIMHET 2020 Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management
06/09/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Big Data Analytics- Practice exercises on MongoDB
MongoDB Installation, CRUD Operations,”
Ms. R Thirumahal, PSG College of Technology
05/09/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Big Data Analytics – Practice exercises on Hadoop” Dr. G Sudha Sadasivam, HoD, Dept., of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
30/08/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Big Data Analytics- Hadoop Architecture and Map Reduce Programming” Dr. G Sudha Sadasivam, HoD, Dept., of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
29/08/2020 CIMHET 2020 Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management
29/08/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 02 04 -“Network Security” Mr.K.Thiruppathi, Scientist, SETS Lab, Chennai
29/08/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Big Data Analytics- Schema Design – Collections, Documents, key-value pair, Data Model, Grid FS, Sharding “ Ms. R Thirumahal, PSG College of Technology
23/08/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Big Data Analytics- Introduction to MongoDB” Ms. R Thirumahal, PSG College of Technology
22/08/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Big Data and its Characteristics” Dr. G Sudha Sadasivam, HoD, Dept., of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
22/08/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 02 04 -“Network Security” Mr.K.Thiruppathi, Scientist, SETS Lab, Chennai
19 to 21/08/2020 Online session on “Emotional Intelligence” Dr. Deepa, Associate Professor & Head, Faculty of Human Resources. PSG Institute of Management
18 to 22/08/2020 Introduction to Electromagnetic compatibility (EMI/EMC) Testing Mr. Tapesh Gautam, Director, Qualsys consultants (India) Private Limited and Mr. Sandip Kulkarni one of India’s leading Certified Assessor of ISO13485
15/08/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 02 03 -“Cyber-Physical Systems” Mr.King Prakatheesh, Cyber Security Consultant, EY LLP, 6th Floor, Tidel Park, Chennai – 113
15/08/2020 CIMHET 2020 Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management
09/08/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Visualization: Scatter diagrams – Histograms – Spectral analysis” Dr. A.Mansurali, PSG Institute of Management
09/08/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Reinforcement learning: Reinforcement learning: Reinforcement learning task – Q Learning” Mr.Engels. R, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG College of Technology
08/08/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 02 03 -“Cyber-Physical Systems” Mr.King Prakatheesh, Cyber Security Consultant, EY LLP, 6th Floor, Tidel Park, Chennai
08/08/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Clustering: Hierarchical clustering – K-means clustering” Dr. R.Sujatha, PSG Institute of Management
02/08/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Visualization: Scatter diagrams – Histograms – Spectral analysis” Dr. R.Sujatha and Dr. B.Umamaheswari, PSG Institute of Management
02/08/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Bayesian learning: Bayes Theorem and applications, Maximum Likelihood – Least Square Error Hypothesis, Bayes Optimal Classifier – Bayesian Belief Network” Mr.Engels. R, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG College of Technology
01/08/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Supervised learning: Decision Tree Learning – Representation – DT Applications – DT Algorithm -Inductive Bias – Issues” Dr. B.Umamaheswari, PSG Institute of Management
01/08/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 02 02 – “Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering” Mr.Sheik Mohamed, Malware Researcher, EY LLP, 6th Floor, Tidel Park, Chennai – 113
31/07/2020 Online Session on ” Effective method of handling online classes” Dr.G.Chandramohan, Vice Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
29/07/2020 Online Session on “Active Cooperative Learning” Dr. Tiju Thomas, Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute Technology, Madras
26/07/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Concept learning: Maximally specific hypothesis – Version spaces – Candidate elimination algorithm” Mr.Engels. R, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG College of Technology
26/07/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Mining” Mr.Sanath Kumar, Senior Software Quality Manager, Amazon
25/07/2020 “Data Science” online Session on “Learning: Need – Learning Problem – Learning types – Designing a learning system – Perspectives and Issues” Mr.Engels. R, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG College of Technology
25/07/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 02 02 – “Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering” Mr.Sheik Mohamed, Malware Researcher, EY LLP, 6th Floor, Tidel Park, Chennai
21/07/2020 Online Session on “Conduct of Online Laboratory Classes – A Demo” Dr.P.V. Mohanram, Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Dr. Ramesh and Dr. Balakumar, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
18/07/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 02 01 – Digital Forensics” Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohan, Research Associate, TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
18/07/2020 CIMHET 2020 Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management
17/07/2020 Online Session on ” Effective method of handling online classes” Dr.G.Chandramohan, Vice Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
13/07 to 16/07/2020 Online Session on ” Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System” for PSG CAS Faculty(Batch 5) Dr. R. Sujatha & Mr. M.S. Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
11/07/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 02 01 – Digital Forensics” Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohan, Research Associate, TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
11/07/2020 CIMHET 2020 Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management
09/07/2020 Online session on “Writing Research Proposals” Dr. P. RadhakrishnanDirector, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
29/06 to 02/07/2020 Online Session on ” Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System” for PSG CAS Faculty(Batch 4) Dr. R. Sujatha & Mr. M.S. Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
01/07/2020 Online session on “Aerothermodynamic Challenges in Spacecraft” Dr. Susheel K Sekhar, Former NPP Fellow NASA Ames, RJ Reynolds Research Fellow, Virginia Tech
23 to 26/06/2020 Online Session on ” Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System” for PSG IMSR Faculty Dr. R. Sujatha & Mr. M.S. Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
22 to 27/06/2020 Online session on “Academic Research Writing” (3rd Batch) Dr. R. Kalpana, Department of English, PSG College of Technology
25/06/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Mining” Dr.Mr.Sanath Kumar, Senior Software Quality Manager, Amazon
20/06/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Mining” Dr.Mr.Sanath Kumar, Senior Software Quality Manager, Amazon
15 to 18/06/2020 Online Session on “Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System” for PSG CAS Faculty(3rd Batch) Dr. R. Sujatha & Mr. M.S. Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
13/06/2020 CIMHET 2020 – Module 5- Finacial Management Dr. Umeshchanderasekar, PSG Institute of Management
13/06/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Mining” Dr.Mr.Sanath Kumar, Senior Software Quality Manager, Amazon
13/06/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 01 05 – Cyber Investigations Laboratory” Dr.P.Sivakumar, Department of Information Technology, PSG College of Technology.
11 to 13/06/2020 Online session on “Academic Research Writing” (2nd Batch) Dr. R. Kalpana, Department of English, PSG College of Technology
09 to 11/06/2020 Online Session on “Basic Metrology”
Session on “Electrical measurements & Calibration Concepts” and “Estimation of Uncertainty in measurements” Ms. Shaila NadgirProduct Manager – Electrical, Fluke Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru, India
Session on “Temperature and Pressure measurements & Calibration Concepts” Mr. Satyajit Nath, Product Manager – Mechanical, Fluke Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru, India
06/06/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 01 05 – Cyber Investigations Laboratory” Dr.P.Sivakumar, Department of Information Technology, PSG College of Technology.
05/06/2020 Online Session on “Teaching of Programming Language effectively during online classes” Dr. Jeyakesavan Veerasamy, Director, Center for Computer Science Education and outreach, The University of Texas at Dallas
04/06/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Mining” Dr.Mr.Sanath Kumar, Senior Software Quality Manager, Amazon
02/06/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Mining” Dr.Mr.Sanath Kumar, Senior Software Quality Manager, Amazon
1 to 5/05/2020 Online Session on ” Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System” for PSG CAS Faculty(2nd Batch) Dr. R. Sujatha & Mr. M.S. Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
30/05/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Mining” Dr.Mr.Sanath Kumar, Senior Software Quality Manager, Amazon
28/05/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Mining” Dr.Mr.Sanath Kumar, Senior Software Quality Manager, Amazon
26 to 30/05/2020 Online session on “Academic Research Writing” Dr. R. Kalpana, Department of English, PSG College of Technology
23/05/2020 Online Session on “Mind Mapping” Dr. G. Chandramohan, Vice Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
23/05/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Mining” Dr.Mr.Sanath Kumar, Senior Software Quality Manager, Amazon
23/05/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 01 01 – Cyber Investigations” Dr.P.Sivakumar, Department of Information Technology, PSG College of Technology.
18 to 21/05/2020 Online Session on ” Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System” for PSG CAS Faculty Dr. R. Sujatha & Mr. M.S. Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
13 to 15/05/2020 Online session on “Emotional Intelligence” for PSG CAS Faculty Dr. Deepa, Associate Professor & Head, Faculty of Human Resources. PSG Institute of Management
09/05/2020 Online Session on ” Online Tools – Boon or Bane” Muralidhar Devarajan, Associate Dean – Higher Education and Training and Manager Training
Department of Production Engineering, PSG College of Technology
09/05/2020 “Cyber Security” online Session on “PG ITCS 01 01 – Cyber Investigations” Dr.P.Sivakumar, Department of Information Technology, PSG College of Technology.
05/05/2020 Online Session on ” Conceptual Teaching” Dr. M. Ananthasubramanian, Professor & Head, Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology
24/04/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Structures” Dr.C. Kavitha, Department of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
22/04/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Structures” Dr.K.Sathiya Priya, Department of Computer Science, PSG College of Technology
28/03/2020 “Cyber Security”First semester Session on “PG ITCS 01 04 – Vulnerability Assessment” Part 2 Mr.S.Karthikeyan, Lead Cybersecurity, Society for Electronic Transactions and Security(SETS) Lab, Chennai.
28/03/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Structures” Part 2 Dr.C.Kavitha and Dr.K.Sathiya Priya, PSG College of Technology
28/03/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG04 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab” – Google Classrooms Assignment Dr.C.Kavitha and Dr.K.Sathiya Priya, Dr.G.R.Karpagam PSG College of Technology
14/03/2020 CIMHET 2020 – Module 5- Finacial Management Ms. Gita Srivatsan, Visiting Professor at PSG Institute of Management
14/03/2020 “Cyber Security” First semester Session on “PG ITCS 01 04 – Vulnerability Assessment” Part 1 Mr.S.Karthikeyan, Lead Cybersecurity, Society for Electronic Transactions and Security(SETS) Lab, Chennai.
14/03/2020 “Data Science” First semester Session on “PG01 – Data Structures” Part 1 Mr.Nikin Raghav, Engineering Lead, Arcesium India Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad
03/03/2020 Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycles: Technology Review & Application Potentials Dr. Ganesan Subbaraman, Gas Technology Institute (GTI), Woodland Hills, CA., USA.
Dr. Jayanta Kapat, Director, The Center for Advanced Turbomachinery and Energy Research, University of Central Florida, USA.
29/02/2020 One Year Certificate Course ” Cyber Security” First semester Session on “Mathematical Foundations for Cyber Security” Dr.Kiruthika D, Dept., of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology.
29/02/2020 One Year Certificate Course ” Data Science” First semester Session on “Open Source Software” Mr.T R Sridhar Sr. Product line Manager VMWare, Bangalore
29/02/2020 Satellite Meteorology and Remote Sensing Dr. R. Suresh, Head, Regional Meteorological Center, Chairman, Indian Meteorological Society,
(Retired) Dy. Director-General of Meteorology, Center for Aviation Meteorology Division, IMD.
29/02/2020 CIMHET 2020 – Module 1- Teaching and Learning Strategies 
Keynote Dr.Sheela Ramchandran, Pro-Chancellor, Atmiya University, Rajkot
Teaching and Learning Strategies Dr.Umesh Chandrasekar, PSG Institute of Management
28 & 29/02/2020 5G Meets NexGen IoT 
Connected tomorrow – IoT in NextGen Communications world – Business applications and impact on our lives Mr. Sathya Karthik, CEO, ABIBA Systems, Bangalore
Intelligence moving to edge industrial case studies Mr. Antony Deepak, Founder & CEO, CINDAN Technologies, Coimbatore
Trends in 5G – An industrial approach Mr. Vinoth Aruchswamy, Application Engineer, Rohde & Schwarz, Bangalore
5G, NB-IoT and Dynamic WLAN Dr. T. G. Venkatesh, Assistant Professor, IIT Chennai
Massive MIMO and advanced transceiver systems for 5G: The Road Ahead Mr. Aravind Selvaraj, Design Verification Engineer, Analog Devices, Bangalore
22/02/2020 One Year Certificate Course ” Data Science” First semester Session on “Open Source Software” Mr.T R Sridhar Sr. Product line Manager VMWare, Bangalore
15/02/2020 One Year Certificate Course ” CIMHET” Module 1 “Teaching and Learning Strategies(TLS)” Dr. Umesh Chandrasekar, PSG Institute of Management.
08/02/2020 One Year Certificate Course ” Cyber Security” First semester Session on “Mathematical Foundations for Cyber Security” Dr.C.Porkodi, Professor & Head, Dept., of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology.
08/02/2020 One Year Certificate Course ” Data Science” First semester Session on “Open Source Software” Mr.T R Sridhar Sr. Product line Manager VMWare, Bangalore
25/01/2020 Inauguration of the one-year certificate Course ” Cyber Security” and “Data Science” Dr. Sheela Siddappa, Chief Advisor – Artificial Intelligence, Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Private Limited, Bangalore
24&25/01/2020 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019) Group 1, 2 & 3
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development 
Classroom to Career – The Role of A Teacher Dr. P. V. Mohanram, Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research (PSG iTech), Neelambur
Leadership Mindset Mr. Sivakumar Palaniappan, Founder & Director, Thinckfluence Global, and Master Mind Academy
11/01/2020 Research in Atmospheric Science and Climate Change Dr. R. Suresh, Head, Regional Meteorological Center, Chairman, Indian Meteorological Society,
(Retired) Dy. Director-General of Meteorology, Center for Aviation Meteorology Division, IMD.
Dr. Govindsamy Bala, Professor, Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, IISC, Bangalore
10&11/01/2020 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019) Group 1
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development 
Effective Presentation Skills Dr.K. Sri Gayathridevi, PSG Institute of Management
Effective Presentation Skills Dr.K. Sri Gayathridevi, PSG Institute of Management
04/01/2020 Design Thinking(@ PSG CAS) Ms.Kanaka Ananth-Design Expert-Freelancer based at Bengaluru
30/11/2019 Excellence in Practice-Based Research for Life sciences (@ PSG CAS) Dr. K Alagirisamy, Department of Statistics Periyar University, Salem,
Dr.R.Madhanagopal, The Madura College, Madurai
30/11/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019) Group 1
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development 
SPSS Dr.J. Sekkizhar, PSG Institute of Management
Learning Management System Dr.R.Sujatha and Mr. M.S. Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
29/11/2019 Understanding Student Behavior Dr. Anuja S Panicker, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
27,28/11/2019 Recent Trends in Tamil Research and Tools (@ PSG CAS) Prof. K. Panchakam, Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for Postgraduate Studies KMCPSG, Pondicherry
26/11/2019 Recent Trends in Diabetes and Obesity Management (@ PSG CAS) Dr. G.Krishna Shankar, MD, DM (Endo & Diab), Sri Ramakrishna Hospitals, Coimbatore
Dr.S.Kamalraj, MBBS, MS, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore
25/11/2019 Finding Fulfillment in Education and life (Lecture @PSG iTech) Dr. Devadas Menon, IIT Madras
25 & 26/11/2019 Use of Bio-informatics software packages and online databases for Biotechnology and Biomedical research applications(2-day program @ PSG CAS) Dr.D.VictorArokia Doss, PSG College of Arts & Science
25/11/2019 Enterprise Resource Planning (One day Program @ PSG CAS) Mr.K. Mohana Sundharam, Head – ERP, Dixcy Textiles Private Limited, Tirupur
Mr. B. Sivakumar, Process Engineer, Sakthi Soyas Private Limited, Pollachi
25/11/2019 NBA Process and Outcome-Based Education(@ PSG Polytechnic College) Dr.V. Kovaichelvan, Director, TVS Institute for Quality & Leadership at TVS Motor Company, Bangalore
23/11/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019) Group 1 & 2
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Building a Scholarly life and Research Engagement (group 2) Dr. Rudramoorthy, Director PSG CARE, Dr. Kanthalakshmi, PSG College of Technology
Teaching-learning techniques and Mentoring (group 1) Dr. Ganesh Kumar, PSG College of Technology
Industrial Lab, Nano Lab and German Language center – Visits (group 1) Mr. Muralidharan, PSG Industrial Institute, Dr. R. Sivasubramanian, PSG IAS, Prof.V. Sukanya, PSG IAS
21 to 23 & 25 to 26/11/2019 Data Analytic tools (5-day program @ PSG CAS) Mr. Judekingseley R, Technical Consultant, Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore.
Mr. ArunKumar Pillai, Sr. Technical Consultant, Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore.
21 to 23 & 25 to 26/11/2019 E-content development (5-day program @ PSG CAS) Ms.S. Santhanalakshmi, 3D Kit Builder, Coimbatore
20 & 21/11/2019 Research Publication and Pedagogy on teaching (2-day program @ PSG CAS) Dr. J.John Sekar, Professor of English, The American College, Madurai,
Dr. Sathyaraj, Associate Professor of English, NIT Trichy
15,16,18,19 & 20/11/2019 Web Programming for IoT(5-day program @ PSG CAS) Mr. Padmanabhan Srinivasan, CEO,
& Mr. N.Duraisamy, Head of IT & Health and Science, Easy Design Systems Private Limited, Coimbatore.
Mr.Kishore Kumar, Associate Engineer, & Mr. Karthik Eshwar, Associate Engineer, TwirlTact Technology Solutions Private Limited, Coimbatore.
15,16,18,19 & 20/11/2019 Emerging Trend in Information Technology (5-day program @ PSG CAS) Mr. Sabarinathan Muthu, Technical Manager, &
Mr. K. Sundaravelan, Network and Android Developer, Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore.
07/11/2019 Technology-Aids for Effective Teaching and Learning (@ PSG CAS) Dr. R. Sujatha, PSG Institute of Management,

Dr. N. Muthumani, HoD, Department of Mathematics with CA, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science

06 to 07/11/2019 Mathematical Analysis(2-day program @ PSG CAS) Dr. S. Kumaresan, IIT Kanpur
Dr. A. V. Jayanthan, IIT Madras
06 to 07/11/2019 Recent Trends in Cloning and Gene Expression (2-day program @ PSG CAS) Dr. M. Sathyabhama, Dr. G. Poornima Devi, and Dr. L. Nivetha, Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
04 to 06/11/2019 Emerging Trends in Research (3-day program @ PSG CAS) Dr. Jogendra Kumar Nayak, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.
Dr. B. Kumaresan, Principal, Laxmi Narayana Arts and Science College for Women, Dharmapuri.
Dr. S Murugappan, Professor, School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology,
02/11/2019 Logistical Process( @ PSG CAS) Shanmugam Premkumar, CMA CGM AGENCIES INDIA PVT LTD.
1/11/2019 Research in Finance(@ PSG CAS) Dr.B.Charumathi, Professor, Department of Management Studies, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry
1/11/2019 Critical Thinking (@ PSG CAS) Mr. A.S.Prasad, Critical thinking trainer, Guest faculty at IIM Indore and NIFT Bangalore
1/11/2019 Online Trading (for PSG CAS Faculty) Dr. P. Varadarajan, Visiting Faculty, PSG Institute of Management
31/10 to 01/11/2019 Contemporary Algebra ( 3-day Program @ PSG CAS) Dr. S. Kumaresan, President of MTTS, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, IT Kanpur
29/10 to 1/11/2019 Communication, Education and Digital Culture ( 4-day Program @ PSG CAS) Dr.Kirupa Priyadarsini, Associate Professor and Centre Head – HR, KCT Business School
Dr. N. Audinarayana, Retired Professor and Head, Department of Sociology & Population Studies, Bharathiar University
25/10/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019) Group 1
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development 
Teaching with Technology Dr.N. Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
24 & 25/10/2019 GST & e-Filing (@ PSG CAS) Mr.K.Ravi, CFO, Roots Industries Ltd, Coimbatore
12/10/2019 Import / Export Documentation (@PSG CAS) Mr.Rajamurthy, Director, Global Institute of Foreign Trade, Madurai.
12/10/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019)- Group 2  
Module 5 -Personal, Emotional Development, Life Skills, Counseling and Motivation 
Emotional Intelligence-2  for Group 2 Dr. R. Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
11 & 12/10/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019) Group 1
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development 
Effective Communication Skills Dr.S.P Sureshkumar & Team PSG College of Technology
28/09/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019)- Group 3
Module 5 -Personal, Emotional Development, Life Skills, Counseling and Motivation 
Emotional Intelligence-2  for Group 3 Dr. R. Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
27 & 28/09/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019) Group 1
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Writing Research Proposals Dr. L. Ashok Kumar, PSG College of Technology
Use of Clickers Dr. V. Chandramohan, Vice Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
E-Content development Mr. Prabhu, IIM Bangalore
20/09/2019 Outcome-Based Education (PSG CAS Faculty) Dr.Claire Komives, San Jose State University, California, USA
19/09/2019 Inquiry-Based Laboratory for Teaching Students Design of Experiments(PSG IAS Faculty) Dr.Claire Komives, San Jose State University, California, USA
19/09/2019 Project-Based Learning (PSG Tech Faculty) Dr.Claire Komives, San Jose State University, California, USA
16/09 to 18/09/2019 IUCEEP Phase -1 Workshop Dr.Claire Komives, San Jose State University, California, USA
13 & 14/09/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019) Group 1, 2 & 3
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development
Module 5 -Personal, Emotional Development, Life Skills, Counseling and Motivation
Flipped Classrooms, Peer teaching for Group 1  Dr. R. Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
Activity-Based Learning for Group 1 Dr. N. Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
Emotional Intelligence-1  for Group 2 Dr. R. Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
30 & 31/08/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019)- Group 2
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development 
Module 5 -Personal, Emotional Development, Life Skills, Counseling and Motivation 
Emotional Intelligence-1 for Group 1 Dr. R. Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
Lesson Plan, Course Plan preparation for Group 1 Dr. J. Kanchana, PSG IAS
Statistical Tools for Research Dr. Sekkizhar, PSG Institute of Management
30/08/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019)- Group 3
Module 5 -Personal, Emotional Development, Life Skills, Counseling and Motivation 
Emotional Intelligence-1    Group 3 Dr. R. Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
10/08/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019)- Group 2
Module 4 – Research and Professional Development 
Research Methodology – Design Dr. Arulrajan, PSG Institute of Management
Framework & Hypothesis Dr.Swaminathan, PSG Institute of Management
10/08/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019)
Module 2 & 3 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education 
Bloom’s Taxonomy, Outcome-based education, Course outcomes Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, Director, PSG CARE
Outcome-based education, Programme outcomes Dr. S. Saravanakumar, PSG Tech
Bloom’s Taxonomy, Pedagogical principles Dr. S. Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research & Hospitals 
09/08/019 Course outcomes mapping and closing the loop Dr. R. Rudarmoorthy, Director, PSG CARE & Dr. S. Kanthalakshmi, PSG Tech
06/08/2019 Funding Opportunities for R & D Learning Projects Dr. Prasadaraju, Dean, MVGR College of Engg(A)-Vizianagaram, R&D Advisor for IIT Madras, VIT University and Jawaharlal Nehru Tech University, Kakinada.
27/07/2019 Teaching and Learning – Learning styles Dr. S. Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research & Hospitals 
Forms of assessments, Developing Test items Dr. Appala Raju, PSG IMSR
26/07/2019  Module 1 – Roles and responsibilities of faculty in higher education, professional relationships and networks Dr. P. Radhakrishnan, Director, PSG IAS
22/07/2019 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System for PSG College of Physiotherapy Dr. R. Sujatha & Mr. M.S. Karthikeyan PSG Institute of Management
13/07/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019)
Understanding Higher Education in India</strong
Accreditations and Rankings Prof. Saravanan, PSG Tech
Reports and Regulations of Higher Education (About UGC, About autonomous status, etc) Dr. Brindha, Principal, PSG CAS
Institutional planning and development University Structure, ACT, Status & Ordinances Competencies for 21st Century Dr. R. Rudarmoorthy, Director, PSG CARE
Competencies for 21st Century; Educational reforms of the 21st Century Dr. P. Radhakrishnan, Director, PSG IAS
12/07/2019 Faculty Induction Program (FIP 2019)
Understanding Higher Education in India – Module 6
Ethics and Values Dr. A. Kandaswamy, Dean, IRD, CSRC and CNCE
5&6/07/2019 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System for PSG College of Pharmacy Dr. R. Sujatha & Mr. M.S. Karthikeyan PSG Institute of Management
2&3/07/2019 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System for PSG College of Pharmacy Dr. R. Sujatha & Mr. M.S. Karthikeyan PSG Institute of Management
06 May to 14 Jun 2019 Six Weeks Intensive Training Program on Educational Technology – PET 2019
Teaching Learning Evaluation (TLE) & Educational Research Dr. S. Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research & Hospitals & Team
Communication Skills Dr. S.P. Suresh Kumar & Team, PSG College of Technology,
Dr. Sri Gayatridevi, PSG Institute of Management
Activity-Based Learning Dr. N. Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
Learning Management System Dr. R.Sujatha, and Mr. M.S.Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
Special Topics  
The Journey to Excellence… A Continuum Dr.Sheela Ramachandran, Atmiya University, Rajkot
Unspoken Pedagogy – My experiments in Teaching Prof. V.Radhakrishnan, IIST, Trivandrum
Strategic Teaching Mr.Sivakumar Palaniappan, Mastering Mind Academy
Becoming an Inspiring Teacher Dr. P. Radhakrishnan, Director, PSG IAS
Understanding student Behaviour Dr. Anuja Panicker, PSG IMSR
Questioning Techniques Dr. P.V. Mohanram,   Principal,  PSG iTech
Course Plan Dr. J. Kanchana, PSG IAS
Emotional Intelligence Dr. R. Deepa, PSG IM
Educational Research Dr. S. Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research & Hospitals and Team
13/04/2019 Activity Based Learning Dr. N. Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
09/03/2019 Strengthening the Industry-Academia Interface for Science Stream Prof. V Radhakrishnan, IIST, Trivandrum
08/03/2019 Teaching Pedagogies Dr. John Jose, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
15/02/2019 Writing Proposals for Research Funds Dr.M.Ramanathan, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy
09/02/2019 Educational Leadership Prof. V Radhakrishnan, IIST, Trivandrum
25/01/2019 Why is my paper not getting accepted Dr. Chakravarthy Balaji, IIT Madras
23/01/2019 Activity-Based Learning Dr. N. Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
18/12/2018 Presentation on Cambridge Assessment English Mr.T K Arunachalam, Regional Director – South Asia, Cambridge Assessment English, Part of University of Cambridge
07 & 08/12/2018 Analytics using R Programming( for PSG CAS Faculty) Dr.R. Sujatha and Dr.B.Uma Maheswari, PSG Institute of Management
01/12/2018 Research Opportunities and Effective Proposals Dr. Brakaspathy, Former Secretary, Science and Engineering Research Board
24/11/2018 Why is my paper not getting accepted Dr. Chakravarthy Balaji, IIT Madras
15/11/2018 Detailed Analysis on the Salient Features of NIRF Mr.Sivakumar Natarajan, Chief Executive Officer, Accendere Knowledge Management Services Pvt. Ltd.(AKMS), (100% Subsidiary of CL Educate)
03/11/2018 Enhancing Teaching Competency Ms. Hemalatha, Educational Counselor
26-28/10/2018 IIEECP Certification Program – Phase I Dr. Archana Mantri Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Chitkara University, Chandigarh
29/09/2018 Follow-up Session Effective delivery strategy workshop for superior learning experience Dr.  Kovaichelvan, Director, TVS Institute for Quality & Leadership at TVS Motor Company, Bangalore
22/09/2018 Effective Teaching and Strategies for Student Engagement
Outcome-based approaches of teaching Dr. S. Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Science and Research
Designing teaching strategies for different learners Dr. N. Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
Classroom to career: Role of teachers Dr. P.V. Mohanram, Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research.
Flipped Classroom Teaching, Peer Learning, Teaching with Case Studies Dr. R Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
23/08/2018 Orientation Program for Technical Teachers Dr. Peeyush Verma, Professor, NITTTR, Bhopal, Coordinator, Teaching Learning Centre under Pandit Madan Mohan Malavia National Mission on Teachers & Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD, GOI
11/08/2018 The Art of Writing a Research Paper Prof.V.Radhakrishnan, IIST, Trivandrum
31/07/2018 Augmenting the Curriculum-Laboratory on a Desk Experiments for Young Scientists and Engineers Dr. B. P. Ajith Kumar, Scientist H, Inter-University Accelerator Center, New Delhi.
28/07/2018 Effective delivery strategy workshop for a superior learning experience Dr. Kovaichelvan, Director, TVS Institute for Quality & Leadership at TVS Motor Company, Bangalore
26 & 27/07/2018 Orientation Program 2018 (2 days program for New Faculty Members of PSG Institutions)
Highlights of PSG Institutions HoI’s, PSG Institutions
Questioning techniques for effective engagement in the classroom Dr. P.V. Mohanram,   Principal,  PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Outcome Based Education Dr. G. Sankarasubramanian, HoD, Civil Department, PSG College of Technology
Large Group Teaching Dr. S. Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research & Hospitals
Technology Enabled Learning Dr. N. Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
Planning for the course & course plan Dr. J. Kanchana, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
Evaluation of Teaching Performance Dr. B. Ramamoorthy, Advisor(Academic), PSG Institutions
14/07/2018 Effective Communication and Presentation Skills Mr. Sureshkumar, HoD, PSG College of Technology and Team
06/07/2018 Future Classrooms: Flipped Classes and Technology-Aids for Effective Teaching and Learning Dr. Kameswari Chebrolu, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
16/06/2018 GUI Based OOP With Processing Dr. Jeyakesavan Veerasamy, Director, Center for Computer Science Education and outreach, The University of Texas at Dallas
10/04/2018 Academic Leadership Dr.T.G. Vijaya, PSG Institute of Management
07/04/2018 Effective Communication and Presentation Skills Mr. Ravikumar, Visiting Faculty IIM-Ranchi (IIM-R), and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade – Kolkata (IIFT-K). 
05/04/2018 Professional Placement – Paradigms of Student Development Mr. Ravikumar, Visiting Faculty IIM-Ranchi (IIM-R), and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade – Kolkata (IIFT-K). 
22 & 23/03/2018 Transformative Higher Education
Inaugural address Dr.R. Rudramoorthy, Principal, PSG College of Technology
Why should education be transformative? Dr.S. Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Transforming first-year Engineering Education Dr.P.V. Mohanram, Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Using PEER teaching as a pedagogy Dr.R. Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
Good Practices for better education Dr.J. Kanchana, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
Effective Teaching strategies Dr.N. Ganeshkumar, PSG College of Technology
Outcome-Based Engineering Education Dr.G. Sankarasubramanian, HoD, PSG College of Technology
Transforming Engineering Curriculum for the 4th Industrial Revolution Dr.P. Radhakrishnan, Director, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
Preparing Industry ready graduates Dr.B. Vinod, HoD, PSG College of Technology
Project-based Learning / Building research culture Dr. Bindu Salim, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
Active Learning approaches Dr.N. Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
24/02/2018 Activity-Based Learning Dr. N. Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
10/02/2018 Expectations of Industry from Computer Science Graduates Dr. Sundaresan Krishnan, Principal, Education and Research, Infosys Ltd
19 & 20/01/2018 Functional training on Odoo – Enterprise Resource Planning
Dr. J Sekkizhar, PSG Institute of Management
21/12/2017 System Thinking and Transformational Skills Dr. K. Subramanian, President, STIMS Inst. Inc USA
18/12/2017 Documenting the Teaching Practice Dr. Kiruthika Ragupathi, Associate Director (Educational Technology and Research) CDTL, NUS, Singapore
9/12/2017 FDP series 3 for Commerce faculty (for PSG CAS Faculty) Dr.Nandagopal, Director, PSG Institute of Management & Team
9/12/2017 Design Thinking(for PSG Tech and PSG iTech Faculty) Mr. Satish Gokhale, Director, Industrial Design, Design Direction Pvt Ltd., Pune
11/11/2017 Enhancing Teaching and Learning Dr. Krishna Shankar, School of Engineering and Information Technology, The University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, Australia
28/10/2017 Effective Presentation Skills   Dr.  K Sri Gayathridevi, PSG Institute of Management
14/10/2017 Writing Proposals for Research Funds Prof.V.Radhakrishnan, IIST, Trivandrum
23/09/2017 Emotional Intelligence for Personal and Professional Success Dr. R. Deepa, PSG Institute of Management
22 & 23/9/2017 Train the Trainer – Large Group teaching – Part 2 Dr. S Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
7/9/2017 Counseling for School Teachers Dr. Anuja S Panicker, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
24/08/2017 Joy of Research Dr.Chakravarthy Balaji, IIT Chennai
4 & 5/08/2017 Effective Communication Skills (for PSG CAS Faculty Members) Mr. S P Suresh Kumar, HoD, Department of English & Team, PSG College of Technology
12/07/2017 Lecture on “German Engineering Education system” Prof. Dr. Dirk Fröhling, Dean Mechanical Engineering and Facilities Management, University of Applied Sciences,
10/7/2017 Lecture on “The Funding Opportunities and Writing a Proposal for Research Funding” Dr. Prasadaraju, Dean, MVGR College of Engg(A)-Vizianagaram, R&D Advisor for IIT Madras, VIT University and Jawaharlal Nehru Tech University, Kakinada.
28 to 30/06/2017 Orientation 2017 (3 days program for new faculty of PSG CAS)
Becoming an Inspiring Teacher Dr. P Radhakrishnan, Director, PSG IAS
Effective Communication Skills Mr. S P Sureshkumar, PSG College of Technology
Planning for the course and course plan Dr. J. Kanchana,  PSG IAS
Questioning techniques for effective engagement in the classroom Dr. P V Mohanram,   Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Evaluation of Teaching Dr. G Chandramohan, Vice Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Technology in Teaching Dr. N Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
Instructional Style Dr. S Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
22 & 23/06/2017 Workshop on Excel & Tally (for Non-Teaching Staff of PSG Institutions) Dr. J Sekkizhar & Mr. S Manikandan, PSG Institute of Management
21 to 23/06/2017 Orientation 2017 (3 days program for new faculty of PSG iTech at PSG iTech Campus)
Becoming an Inspiring Teacher Dr. P Radhakrishnan, Director, PSG IAS
Strategic Teaching Mr. Sivakumar Palaniappan, Mastering Mind Academy
Planning for the course and course plan Dr. J. Kanchana,  PSG IAS
Questioning techniques for effective engagement in the classroom Dr. P V Mohanram,   Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Evaluation of Teaching Dr. G Chandramohan, Vice Principal, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
Technology in Teaching Dr. N Vivek, PSG Institute of Management
Instructional Style Dr. S Ramalingam, Dean, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
23/03/2017 Strategies for Effective Teaching Prof V. Radhakrishnan, IIST, Trivandrum
18/03/2017 Effective Presentation Skills   Dr.  K Sri Gayathridevi, PSG Institute of Management
9/03/2017 Lecture on Engineering Education Dr. Sue James, Colorado State University
04/03/2017 Effective Communication and Presentation Skills Mr. Ravikumar, Visiting Faculty IIM-Ranchi (IIM-R), and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade – Kolkata (IIFT-K). 
25/02/2017 Train the Trainer – Large Group teaching – Part 2 Dr. S Ramalingam, Principal, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
23/02/2017 Train the Trainer – Large Group teaching – Part 1 Dr. S Ramalingam, Principal, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
17/02/2017 Lecture on Research Opportunities (PSG Tech faculty) Dr.Athul Sen Scientist, Defense Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), Hyderabad
17/02/2017 Lecture Research Opportunities in Social Sciences (PSG IM faculty) Dr.Athul Sen Scientist, Defense Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), Hyderabad
04/02/2017 FDP series 2 for Commerce faculty (for PSG CAS Faculty) Dr. R Nandagopal, Director PSG Institute of Management & Team
30/01/2017 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System Admin Training( for PSG Tech Faculty) Mr. M S Karthikeyan & Dr. R Sujatha, PSG Institute of Management
23/01/2017 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System ( for PSG Tech Faculty) Dr. R Sujatha & Mr. M S Karthikeyan, PSG Institute of Management
21/01/2017 FDP series 1 for Commerce faculty (for PSG CAS Faculty) Dr.Nandagopal, Director PSG Institute of Management & Team
19/01/2017 Lecture on Taking Faculty Research to Next Level Prof Prasad Yarlagadda OAM, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
18/01/2017 System Thinking and Transformational Skills (for PSG IAS Faculty) Dr. K. Subramanian, President, STIMS Inst. Inc USA
05/01/2017 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System ( for PSG Tech Faculty) Dr. Sujatha R & Mr. Karthikeyan M S, PSG Institute of Management
05/01/2017 Activity-Based Learning (for PSG CAS Faculty) Dr. Vivek N & Dr.Sekkizhar, PSG Institute of Management
19, 22, 29/12/2016 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System ( for PSG Tech Faculty) Dr. Sujatha R & Mr. Karthikeyan M S, PSG Institute of Management
17/12/2016 Joy of coding Dr Jeyakesavan Veerasamy, Director, Center for Computer Science Education and outreach, The University of Texas at Dallas
15/12/2016 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System ( for PSG Tech Faculty) Dr. Sujatha R & Mr. Karthikeyan M S, PSG Institute of Management
03/12/2016 Art of Teaching Computer Programming Dr. Sundaresan Krishnan, Principal, Education and Research, Infosys Ltd
21, 23, 26, 28, 30 /11/2016 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System ( for PSG IMSR Faculty) Dr. Sujatha R & Mr. Karthikeyan M S, PSG Institute of Management
12/11/2016 Effective Presentation Skills Dr. Sri Gayathridevi K, PSG Institute of Management
07, 09, 12, 14, 16 /11/2016 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System ( for PSG IMSR Faculty) Dr. Sujatha R & Mr. Karthikeyan M S, PSG Institute of Management
03/11/2016 Future flight programs and R & D opportunities for educational institutions to meet the challenges in Science and Technology / Design / Manufacture Prof. N. Vedachalam, Distinguished Scientist Emeritus of the Indian Space Research Organization
02/11/2016 Effective use of Moodle – A Learning Management System ( for PSG IMSR Faculty) Dr. Sujatha R & Mr. Karthikeyan M S, PSG Institute of Management
29/09/16 Insights on Enhanced Classroom Delivery Dr. Raj Muthusamy, The Ohio State University, Ohio
10/09/16 Effective Use of Moodle – Learning Management System Dr. T Hamsapriya – PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
 02/09/16  Moodle Installation and Administration for System Administrators  Dr. Hamsapriya, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
 20/08/16  Activity-Based Learning  Dr. Vivek N, PSG Institute of Management
 12/08/16  Techniques and Strategies for Effective Teaching  Prof. V. Radhakrishnan, IIST, Trivandrum
 30/07/16  Making of a Mentor – Part II  Dr. Manju P George, PSG IM
23/07/2016 Orientation 2016 For New Faculty
Quality of Teachers in Higher Education Dr. Selvarajan, Secretary, PSG CAS
Using technology in the classroom Dr. Jey Veerasamy, the University of Texas at Dallas
Planning for the course and course plan Dr. J. Kanchana,  PSG IAS
How to encourage meaningful discussion in the classroom Prof. R. Krishnakumar, HoD International Business, PSG CAS
Insights about becoming ” The Best Teacher” Dr. Sudha Ramalingam Professor, PSG IMSR
 15/07/2016 Introduction to Stochastic Integer Programs -(LECTURE) Dr. Saravanan,  Wayne State University Detroit
 28/06/16  Joy of Teaching Dr.Chakravarthy Balaji, IIT Madras
 23 to 30/06/16  Micro Teaching PSG Institute of Management Faculty
 15/06/16  Bloom’s Taxonomy  Mr. N.Ganesh Kumar, PSG Tech
 13/06/16  Strategy for Higher Education Dr. K. Subramanian, President, STIMS Inst. Inc USA
 11/06/16  Making of a Mentor – Part I Dr. Manju P George, PSG IM
 03/05/16 Insights from the research and practice in Organizational Innovation, and Personal Creativity -(LECTURE) Mr. Pavan Soni,   IIM Bangalore
 22/04/16  Moodle Dr. R.Sujatha, PSG IM
09/04/16 The Art of Teaching Computer Programming from Industry Perspective – Part II Dr. Sundaresan Krishnan, Infosys Ltd
12.02.2016 13.02.2016 SPSS Dr. J. Sekkizhar,   PSG IM
8.2.2016 The Funding Opportunities and Writing a Proposal for Research Funding Dr. Prasadaraju, Dean, MVGR College of Engg(A)-Vizianagaram, R&D Advisor for IIT Madras, VIT University and Jawaharlal Nehru Tech University, Kakinada.
6.2.2016 The Art of Teaching Computer Programming from Industry Perspective -Part I Dr. Sundaresan Krishnan, Infosys Ltd
30.1.2016 Strategic Teaching Dr. Subramaniam, President, STIMS Inst. Inc USA
23.1.2016 Spatial Visualization Mr. Vijay, Tech Studios
19/12/15 Bloom’s Taxonomy Mr. N.Ganesh Kumar, PSG Tech
12/12/15 Orientation For New Faculty
First Day of Class Dr. P. Radhakrishnan,  Director,  PSG IAS
Questioning techniques in the classroom Dr. PV. Mohanram,   Principal,  PSG iTech
Evaluation of teaching performance Dr. G. Chandra Mohan, Vice Principal,   PSG iTech
Interaction with the students in the classroom and outside Dr. G. Malarvizhi, Vice Principal,  PSG College of Nursing
Planning for the course and course plan Dr. J. Kanchana,  PSG IAS
Instructional Style Dr. S. Ramalingam Principal,   PSG IMSR
Making best out of lectures Dr.K.Rathinasabapathy, HoD Dept., of English, PSG CAS
How to encourage meaningful discussion in the classroom Prof. R. Krishnakumar, HoD International Business, PSG CAS
05/12/15 Applying and Implementing Effective Teaching Methods for Professional Development Dr. Shiladitya Chaudhury, Auburn University, USA
04/12/15 “Education Technology”
Presided by Dr.P.Radhakrishnan Director PSG IAS Chair Persons Dr. R.Rajendran Principal PSG CAS & Dr. R.Nandagopal Director PSG IM
Signification of teacher training Dr. S. Ramalingam, Principal, PSG IMSR
Effective Teaching Behaviors Dr. PV. Mohanram Principal, PSG iTech
Assessment Techniques Dr. L.S. Jayagopal
Teaching and Research Dr.R.Rudramoorthy Principal, PSG Tech
Interpersonal Relationship Dr.A.Kandaswamy