Advisory and Executive Committee

Advisory Committee

Name Designation Name of the Institution
Dr.G. (Subbu) Subbaraman, Ph. D, Institute Fellow and Project Development Director GTI Energy, USA
Prof. Jayanta Kapat Professor and CATER Director University of Central Florida, USA
Prof. S. Lakshmivarahan George Lynn Cross Research Professor Emeritus University of Oklahoma, USA
Prof.C. Rajendran Ph.D., Dr.rer.pol.h.c., Professor & RAGS Family Foundation Institute Chair Department of Management Studies IIT Madras, India
Dr. Kovaichelvan Former Director – TVS Institute for Quality & Leadership at TVS Motor Company, Organization Design Professional TVS Institute for Quality & Leadership at TVS Motor Company

Executive Committee

Name Designation Name of the Institution
Dr. V. Lakshmiprabha Academic Consultant PSG Institutions
Dr. V Jayabalan Secretary, TQM Council, PSG Institutions
Dr. B. Ramamoorthy Secretary, TQM Council PSG Institutions
Dr. G. Chandramohan Director (Examinations) PSG Institutions
Dr. J. Kanchana Dy.Director PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
Dr. S. Kanthalakshmi Professor Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PSG College of Technology
Dr. S. Sasikala, Head of the Department Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PSG Polytechnic College
Dr. R. Swaranalatha Head of the Department Department of BBM (Retail Marketing), PSG College of Arts & Science
Mr. B. Arun Karthik Assistant Professor PSG Institute of Management