

The PSG Center for Academic Research and Excellence was founded in October, 2015 by the PSG & Sons Charities Trust with a mission to promote teaching excellence in all the colleges under the Trust. Toward this end, CARE will encourage the use of learner-centric pedagogical practices that facilitate effective learning and will foster dialogue and reflection on effective teaching through workshops, seminars, one-to-one consultation and other activities. The center also focuses on creating and sustaining effective faculty student relationships and aims to pursue its mission by:

  • Helping educators at PSG to practice a learner-centric course design, innovative pedagogy and effective assessments so as to shift the focus of the teaching learning process from delivery of knowledge to facilitation of knowledge acquisition
  • Offering an effective one-to-one mentoring system to the faculty in various topics pertaining to learner-centric pedagogy and effective faculty student relationships
  • Promoting the use of technology in the PSG classrooms and establishing an environment for effective use of technology in enhancing the teaching- learning process.
  • Helping faculty members assess the effectiveness of their teaching through appropriate student and peer feedback mechanisms
  • Encouraging research activities that enhance the quality of teaching at PSG and supporting dissemination of research findings about the teaching learning process.

The Management

Shri. L. Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG & Sons Charities


From the Desk of Managing Trustee

PSG Center for Academic Research and Excellence is promoted by PSG & Sons Charities Trust, one of the oldest charitable Institutions in India. The Trust has created over 29 educational institutions of academic excellence ranging from Kinder garden to Doctoral Studies across Arts & Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Medical, Management and more, that have grown into centers of excellence and have several national and global collaborations to their credit.

Technology has infiltrated today’s classrooms, which are filled with the Millennials. The teaching learning process should undergo constructive changes to adapt to the tech-savvy students. Faculty should keep themselves updated and become tech-savvy too. They should also constantly innovate pedagogies not only to educate but also engage the students in the classrooms. Toward this end, CARE will encourage the use of learner-centric pedagogical practices that facilitate effective learning and will foster dialogue and reflection on effective teaching through workshops, seminars, one-to-one consultation and other activities. The center also focuses on creating and sustaining effective faculty student relationships.

Teachers who invent creative pedagogy and deliver the same with technology will be the most powerful educators of the 21st Century. I request faculty to make best use of PSG CARE programs to transform themselves into effective educators for the Millennial student. I am confident that with proactive support from PSG CARE, the quality of teaching at the PSG Institutions will continuously improve, thereby contributing to the mighty cause of empowering youth through quality education

Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world – Nelson Mandela

Let us change the world by imparting quality education to our future generations 


The CARE Team

Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, Director, PSG CARE

DR.P.Radhakrishnan Professor Rudramoorthy, did his B.E(Hons) in Mechanical Engineering in 1981 and Masters in Heat Power Engineering in 1984. He obtained his Doctoral Degree in Mechanical engineering in the year 1995 from PSG College of Technology. He joined the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at PSG College of Technology in the year 1984 and has more than 35 years of teaching experience. He served as Principal of PSG College of Technology from 2005 to 2019.
His areas of research are Heat Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Engineering. He has completed many research projects and guided 12 PhD scholars. He has authored 5 books in engineering and has over 60 publications in International and National journals. He has visited many countries including China, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Canada, USA, UK, Australia and Germany for research and development activities.
Professor Rudramoorthy was the former Chairman of AICTE, Southern Region and Council Member of AICTE, New Delhi. He is a Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India), Life Member of National Society of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Indian Society for Technical Education and Solar Energy Society of India.


Advisory Committee

Sl.No Name Designation Institute
1 Dr.G. (Subbu) Subbaraman, Ph. D Institute Fellow and Project Development Director GTI Energy, USA
2 Prof. Jayanta Kapat Professor and CATER Director University of Central Florida, USA
3 Prof. S. Lakshmivarahan George Lynn Cross Research Professor Emeritus, School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma, USA
4 Prof.C. Rajendran Ph.D Dr.rer.pol.h.c., Professor & RAGS Family Foundation Institute Chair, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, India



Dr. R. Deepa, Chief Co-ordinator, PSG CARE

DDr. R. DeepaDr. R. Deepa, a Gold Medalist from PSG College of Technology (Bachelor of Engineering, EEE) with a Masters in Business Administration has 8 years of industry experience in various positions like Vice President – Human Resources, General Manager and Management Representative (ISO). During her industrial tenure, she gained experience in managing projects with world-wide clients. She is well-versed with the ISO standards and auditing procedures. As VP-HR, she was responsible for recruitment, talent management and retention in an MNC, which operates from Coimbatore and California.

Deepa secured her Ph.D in Emotional Intelligence from Anna University, Chennai in the year 2012. In her academic tenure thus far, she completed an AICTE funded research project titled “Diagnosing and Enhancing the Emotional Intelligence of IT Professionals for Service Excellence”, as a co-principal investigator. She recently completed a UGC Funded Research work titled “Designing an emotional intelligence test for medical students and developing an emotional intelligence training program for graduating medical students”

A recipient of “Best Paper” and “Best Case” awards, Deepa has presented and published papers in various national and international conferences and journals. She secured the Gold Medal for Innovation in Teaching from the Association of Indian Management Schools in August 2015, for using theatre play to teach intercultural communication. She is a member of the research committee at PSG Institute of Management and a member of the editorial board of the “Journal of Contemporary Research in Management”. She conducts training programs on Emotional Intelligence for corporate executives at PSG Institute of Management. She is keen in propagating Emotional Intelligence as the “Path to Well-Being” and is presently writing a book on Emotional Intelligence


Ms. R. Shanthamani, Secretary, PSG CARE

Ms. R. ShanthamaniMs. Shanthamani.R basically a lawyer with a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Bangalore University and B.A English Literature from Bharathiyar University, has practiced as a junior advocate in the High Court of Karnataka.

More than one and half decades of experience as a legal advisor to various small-scale industries and experience in managing a small-scale electronic industry and an export garments unit in Bangalore. Proficient in project management, people management and administration with a distinction of working with foreign companies, handling all media and public relation enquiries. Adept at Resource planning and management – hiring and welfare

Having been a part of the ISO team, has acquired knowledge of quality systems (ISO 9000-2008) and documentation of systems and procedures. Knowledge of financial procedures by assisting the external auditor to file commercial tax and IT returns


The CARE Coordinators

Sl.No.   Name of the Institute Coordinator –PSG CARE Email ID
1. Dr. R. Deepa PSG Institute of Management Dr. R. Deepa deepa@psgim.ac.in
2. Dr.S.Kanthalakshmi PSG College of Technology Dr.S.Kanthalakshmi skl.eee@psgtech.ac.in
2. Dr. N. Ganesh Kumar PSG College of Technology Dr. N. Ganesh Kumar gkncbe@yahoo.com
3. Mr. M. Jothibasu PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research Mr. M. Jothibasu jothibasu@psgitech.ac.in
4. Dr. R Swarnalatha PSG College of Arts and Science Dr. R Swarnalatha rajlrt@hotmail.com
5. Mrs. S. Sasikala PSG Polytechnic College Mrs. S. Sasikala sasikala_s@yahoo.co.uk
6. Dr. J. Kanchana PSG Institute of Advanced Studies Dr. J. Kanchana kan@psgias.ac.in
7. Dr.S.Shanthakumari PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Dr.S.Shanthakumari dr.shanthakumari@gmail.com
8. PSG College of Nursing Ms. Poornima Mary Rodriguez shweta.poornima@yahoo.in
9. Mrs. S.E. Maida Engels PSG College of Pharmacy Mrs. S.E. Maida Engels maidase@rediffmail.com
10. Mr.Mahendiran PSG College of Physiotherapy Mr. Mahendiran mahe05.pt@gmail.com